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Caroleena77 t1_iw77ok7 wrote

Reply to comment by Caroleena77 in How do I find a room in DC? by bevilte

Lol whoever that was reported me to Reddit and I got an automated message with crisis intervention links. I must be on the verge of a breakdown for thinking it's reasonable that someone wants to live in this beautiful, thriving city I've called home for 15 years.


[deleted] t1_iw78ksz wrote



Caroleena77 t1_iw793ju wrote

They seem to have deleted their account. So weird. My guess is someone who's been sucked into the whole "cities are deadly war zones" bs.


MrDickford t1_iw7j7tu wrote

Really the best thing about this subreddit is when people who have never set foot here feel entitled to drop by and tell residents what it’s like to live here.