Submitted by michaelindc t3_z74zqo in washingtondc


Can anyone recommend a lawyer with experience handling tortious interference with parental rights cases? I am a widower and am having difficulties with my late wife's cousins regarding one of my children.

I live in DC, cousins live in DC and MD.

Thank you



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Dcdcdcdcdc51 t1_iy4snp4 wrote

In DC, MD or VA? If VA check out Lee Lopez Law.


colorofmydreams t1_iy4urep wrote

I would check out the Washingtonian's top lawyers list, it should have a section for family law and it usually has a description of the areas of practice of each lawyer. You might want to look for a lawyer who's attached to a firm that handles other civil matters, because this is going to be an unusual case that involves both tort and custody law, so you may want a firm that has experience in both.