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ProdigiousNewt07 t1_iy1jr3s wrote

I view most news media with skepticism, especially when it's from English language outlets about countries the US considers enemies. They have a well-documented history of lying. And that's not a just a poll, it's a long-term survey (that you clearly didn't bother to actually read) conducted by the Ash Center at Harvard University. Is Harvard "authoritarian" now too?

If you're worried about bias, it even says "compared to the relatively high satisfaction rates with Beijing, respondents held considerably less favorable views toward local government. At the township level, the lowest level of government surveyed, only 11.3 percent of respondents reported that they were “very satisfied.” The research gets pretty granular and makes note of differences in responses from urban/rural, rich/poor, and what challenges the CPC might face maintaining support in the future.

I included a link to that study because, as the authors importantly emphasize, "although state censorship and propaganda are widespread in China, these findings highlight that citizen perceptions of governmental performance respond most to real, measurable changes in individuals’ material well-being." The CPC took China from a war-torn, rural backwater to a highly advanced world superpower in a matter of decades. Global poverty would have increased in that same time frame were it not for China. But you don't really care about that, you're more concerned about imposing your ineffectual political beliefs on people you don't know halfway around the world because you're an idealistic "democracy" fetishist.