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Awkward_Dragon25 t1_iy6544r wrote

There's no such thing. And actually all of those countries (including the US military) may allow beards in uniform with a valid religious exemption, those personnel are non-deployable to anywhere that they might be required to wear a gas mask, so basically they're ineligible for combat duty.

DCFEMS relegating their religiously exempt employees to logistical and non-frontline tasks is a legally-defined "reasonable accommodation". Allowing them to serve without shaving is utter foolishness and will result in death or disability for those people.

If you are unwilling to conform to the essential functions of your job, then you need to find a different job. This is 100% about safety, and your personal religious beliefs are not going to protect you from carbon monoxide, cyanide, superheated gasses, or airborne infectious agents.


that-gostof-de-past t1_iy7r66s wrote

Bro ice seeen Brit’s and Canadians with beards deployed with my own two eyes .


Awkward_Dragon25 t1_iy86myv wrote

Yeah and then what happens when you get gassed? If you're lucky you get 10 seconds heads-up to put on your mask and make sure it seals, and if you fuck it up well nice knowing you. A good seal is all the more important with a negative pressure system like a gas mask. SCBA and PAPR are at least positive pressure so there's an airflow gradient away from your nose and mouth in case there's a break in the seal. Chlorine, mustard, and sarin are awful ways to go: and all of 'em have been used recently in Syria (and a few decades ago in Iraq).

Secondly, growing a beard when you're trying to blend into the local population in a Muslim country is another use case, but it's a calculated risk based on intended diplomatic aims versus risk of a CBRN attack.