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adequatefiber t1_iyb0i7z wrote

Thirding this, I live in a C.C apartment (13 floors I think) and the only thing I hear is my neighbors closing their door to the hallway if I happen to be in my living room (about 8 ft from my door). Neighbors have never complained about my occasional need to do laundry in the early AM. I have never heard my neighbors talking nor their laundry machines. I might hear someone elses' shower from my shower in terms of water traveling through the pipes, but that's it (besides aforementioned door-closing).

Some leases explicitly state you should have high-traffic areas of your apartment's bare wood floor covered with rugs - those buildings may also be quieter.

P.S, older buildings may lack individual meters for apartments in which case your electricity bill could be based upon square footage. Those buildings can be frustrating if your management company decides to choose an expensive energy provider. So I do not recommend Crystal Place or any building owned by Equity Residential despite the quiet unless you're ready to spend 200$+ on electricity. Be aggressive with asking those buildings how utilities are calculated and don't repeat my mistake lol.