Submitted by iabv t3_yuj7id in washingtondc

Hi! This may be a long shot but i thought i’d try.

I live in the Netherlands and my boyfriend has moved to DC for 6 months. We’ve been together for 5 years, but we’ve never been long distance before. We always get each other flowers for our birthdays, and i really wanted to continue that tradition even though i’m not there to celebrate his birthday with him this year. I splurged and ordered expensive flowers online to be delivered to his house. However, after 15 emails back and forth the company has told me they cannot deliver the flowers to his address. Hopefully i will still get a refund, but right now i’m mainly just disappointed that he’s not going to get anything on his birthday.

Is there anyone who lives in NW who would be willing to help me out by buying a bouquet of flowers and bringing them to his house on his birthday? I will of course pay you back for all costs. His birthday is on the 16th.

Edit: he lives on 6th street NW, zip code 20001

Edit 2: thank you so much everyone who responded, i’ve found someone who is going to help me out!!



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Baloncesto t1_iw9linm wrote

I would cross the city for this, depends on the time and date!


iabv OP t1_iw9mh2j wrote

That would be so great! His birthday is the 16th of november, and he is at work until 6pm so it would have to be somewhere in the evening, would that work?


Baloncesto t1_iw9nyj4 wrote

Possibly! Can you DM me to figure things out? I have something that night but can be flexy.


iabv OP t1_iw9pc60 wrote

I’ve just worked it out with someone else, but thanks so much for offering to help!


Brainjacker t1_iw9m6bq wrote

Unless these were the folks who told you they couldn't deliver, it looks like Urban Stems (based in DC) has Wednesday deliveries available....


romanceordelusion t1_iw9l8w0 wrote

You should specify the block of the street address. If it’s on my street I’ll do it but NW is big and I don’t think anyone will cross the city for this?


iabv OP t1_iw9lmrd wrote

i didn’t realise, thank you! I’ll put it in the post


lizzylulu957 t1_iw9maad wrote

I would include the nearest cross street too. Is it by 6th and P, 6th and H?


romanceordelusion t1_iw9morm wrote

6th street goes up and down the whole city, I agree, put the nearest cross street too :)


giscard78 t1_iw9nul6 wrote

20001 is pretty big, too. Google Maps draws the polygon for 20001 to include 6th Street NW to stretch from Fairmont to Pennsylvania with a few carve outs for big buildings (I assume that have their own ZIP codes). 20001 covers homes as far north as the southeast corner of Irving/11th NW to Upper Senate Park.


Xcelsiorhs t1_iwa2i75 wrote

I would totally go across the city for this but it’s already handled!


mattywhee t1_iw9onmz wrote

I’m in NW and would be happy to help.


thedrizzle27 t1_iw9xrt6 wrote

If your current plan falls through, I would be happy to help! I’m off of 5th St NW also zip 20001 so probably pretty close by. Just DM me details.


GenericReditAccount t1_iwbqqn6 wrote

Let’s get a bunch of us to bring him flowers from OP. I’d happily buy grocery store flowers without reimbursement, to see dude’s face when he’s handed the 15th bouquet that evening.


JustHereForCookies17 t1_iwdw86t wrote

I would sign up for this. Maybe get dude a singing telegram or something? Welcome to DC!!! AGGRESSIVE HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES!


littlegreenstick t1_iwc5grr wrote

I know you’ve got this sorted but wanted to put in a plug for Little Acre Flowers! More $$$ but all locally sourced and beautiful blooms. They deliver across the city too


Inappropriate_Piano t1_iwby9to wrote

This kind of thing reminds me of the immense good that the internet can do. I’m glad you were able to find help to make your boyfriend’s birthday special.


Itsallgoodman_69 t1_iwdjt03 wrote

fwiw, Whole Foods has nice, relatively affordable bouquets. Delivery is 9.99 + a few other fees, but I have done that for anniversary meals, etc with success.


KnavesRadiant t1_iw9lqe3 wrote

Where (approximately) in NW? NW is pretty big so a rough location (like a nearby street intersection) might help you to get somebody who's willing to help.


TangerineSilver7958 t1_iwnvfu3 wrote

The boyfriend here, it worked!!! Today is my birthday and suddenly one of you wonderful people knocked on my door with flowers. I was blown away by your kindness. Thank you so much for the flowers and for rekindling my faith in humanity! The wonders of reddit!


SuperBethesda t1_iwa5z0k wrote

There are many florists who deliver.