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Fert1eTurt1e t1_ixj7a2u wrote

Dude wants to learn some martial arts to feel safer and asked for help finding a class. Why did you choose to comment only to degrade him instead of helping? Why not just move on instead of calling him an idiot ?


MidnightSlinks t1_ixjaxjb wrote

Everyone I know who is hard core into martial arts says that the industry sees self defense classes as actively harmful because they give you way more confidence than they give you skills. For 99.9% of people, some combination of complying and/or running away is the safest option. Self defense classes will not put you in the .1% who could consider fighting back but it could make you think you are.

Feeling safer (which you noted is what OP wants) without actually being safer is far more dangerous than being unsafe and knowing it.


Fert1eTurt1e t1_ixjbjt2 wrote

OP said defense classes/martial arts. If you know self defense is pointless and martial arts is better, you could be helpful OP and steer him/her in the right direction. Don’t justify the other dude calling him an idiot because OP just doesn’t know what the scene is like.


BerzeliusWindrip t1_ixj89cw wrote

My comment was more genuinely helpful than recommending some scam self defense class that's more likely to get the guy killed (in the event he even ever gets randomly attacked, which is so unlikely as to be effectively 0% probability in the first place).


Fert1eTurt1e t1_ixjbuw3 wrote

Yeah dude you’re not getting it. My comment was letting you know you were being a dick, not that you were wrong lol.