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Norls82 t1_iy08cgv wrote

Depends entirely on your company. They can if they want, especially if they're a federal contractor, and especially especially if there's any security clearance involved.


Belmon907 t1_iy07c77 wrote

That’s a question for company HR, based on their policies.


BloatedCrow OP t1_iy07jj7 wrote

So it's allowed?


Belmon907 t1_iy083gt wrote

How do we know your company’s policy? It’s not about the geographic location, but what your company does.


BloatedCrow OP t1_iy0gqcu wrote

Different geographical locations have different testing laws


Belmon907 t1_iy0i3xk wrote

Not necessarily true. Different states/geographies will have their own laws around whether weed is legal, but the testing is down to the company.


BloatedCrow OP t1_iy0kw03 wrote

I'm asking in the context of the big wide world. Over here in SA It was found unconstitutional to drug test.


SorrySleep546 t1_iy07xfz wrote

Recreational cannabis is legal in DC. You can even grow your own bud, up to 6 plants. Definitely check w your landlord first.


dcsnarkington t1_iy09lae wrote

The federal govt does not own any companies. Many companies however are contractors to the US Govt.

Since I assume you are a SA citizen most likely this is not a military or intelligence position, which sometimes are subject to drug testing. In my experience for contractors rarely does any drug testing occur even for classified positions. If it happens at all it will be at the very beginning. The US government for contractors typically requires a "drug free" workplace which does not mandate testing.

As others have noted you simply should ask HR what the Drug Testing policy is. I would probably ask the HR person and not the hiring manager (the person you'll actually work for).

Generally speaking very few white collar jobs require random ongoing drug testing unless you work in the medical industry or a blue collar job where you operate heavy equipment or construction.

If you think about it, piss testing is most likely only catch marijuana anyways. Most companies can terminate you at will for performance so what's even the point.


No1Statistician t1_iy09iht wrote

I'm assuming it's a contractor because you have to be a US national for government work. Yes they will likely test and if weed is found will put you on a probation period with the right to test you on the job in the future which can get you fired.


gator_fl t1_iy0h4nq wrote

You can Google the company to see if Federally owned then check their website and job postings to see references to drug testing. Examples:

BTW, most orgs that do testing usually do it prior to start of work and say you are subject to testing at any time (which rarely happens if you don't act or smell like you do).

Can PM me the name and might know.

Example for Amtrak:

>All positions require pre-employment background check verification, a pre-employment drug screen and proof of full vaccination against COVID -19. Amtrak is committed to a safe workplace free of drugs and alcohol and performs pre-employment substance abuse testing.Nov 17, 2022


BloatedCrow OP t1_iy0lxn8 wrote

What does it mean if the website is ""


Ambitious_Opinion_74 t1_iy0qfct wrote

Website ending means it’s NIH (National Institute of Health), which is a government agency. As others have said, best to contact HR about their drug testing policy. While many areas in the US have either legalized or decriminalized marijuana, it remains illegal on a federal level.


gator_fl t1_iy1jbp8 wrote

The National Institutes of Health is a government agency but it's pretty complex in nature in terms of who does work (US and Foreign employees/grantees/independents contractors, foreign and local for-profit or non-profit companies/entities/etc.). I'm guessing most require drug testing but not all; e.g. foriegn orgs that don't have to abide by U.S. mandates/laws might not require it).

Find what entity you will work for and look at their website or ask a future co-worker you trust.