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WayyyCleverer t1_ixkg4du wrote

Sounds the buy side and sell side realtors are colluding against your best interests. Not sure what to do with that, but one of the only reasons to get a realtor is to get these issues taken care of quickly.

What do the terms if your contract say? Tell them you are going to push the seller into default and get your money back, that might motivate them to get their act together.


BobLoblaw420 t1_ixkse01 wrote

That makes no sense The realtors don’t get paid unless the deal closes so now is delaying by 7 months benefitting them? You sound like someone who just blames everything on realtors. Not being able to get a C of O for a while is pretty common. The other issues sounds like they come from DCs ineptitude


WayyyCleverer t1_ixlx4p9 wrote

Sure it makes sense. Two realtors at the same company have a fish on the line. They won’t get paid until it closes, and they’re leading OP along as long as possible. Sure it will eventually close, so it’s in their best interest to keep OP around for their pay day at the expense of OPs sanity, time, goodwill. They also know the seller is in default so their doing their best to make sure OP stays happy and doesn’t flex the rights that he or she may have.


BobLoblaw420 t1_ixm854k wrote

If you are the buyers agent you would simply help your client get out of the contract and find another property and still get paid. There is no reason to collude with another agent. There is literally no benefit to the buyers agent. Only a 7 month delay in getting paid. The op clearly still wanted the property despite all this and their agent was trying to make that happen you have no idea what you are talking about.


WayyyCleverer t1_ixmau9s wrote

Thinking the buyers agents interests are aligned with the buyer is flat out wrong. We can see that here playing out. What buyers agent would allow their client to get strung along for this long? I’ll tell you who - one who’s interests are aligned with doing no additional work and keeping the buyers and sellers fee inside the same real estate company. OP is getting taken for a ride.

Are you a realtor?


IcyWillow1193 t1_ixmbdq6 wrote

>Are you a realtor?

he's either a Realtor or very naiive about how things work here.


WayyyCleverer t1_ixmjesz wrote

For sure. After getting screwed for 7 months, his advice is keep getting screwed


BobLoblaw420 t1_ixmz7a5 wrote

How is the OP being screwed? They’ve lost nothing and still want the property. It’s in their interest to find a solution You make no sense.


BobLoblaw420 t1_ixmc8hr wrote

The client clearly said they still wanted the property. You don’t stop working for your client because things get complicated. You help them sort it out. The problem here lies with DC not being able to figure out the proper assessment and letting the sellers know what the tax lien will be and allowing them to pay it at closing.


WayyyCleverer t1_ixmjfuk wrote

So you’re definitely a realtor, eh?


BobLoblaw420 t1_ixmsdxn wrote

Yes. I’m telling you what I’ve learned from 20 years of experience while you are judging the situation with no knowledge of how anything works. You make it seem like it’s a bad thing to be knowledgeable about real estate. It’s like voting for Trump because he’s not a politician. Don’t you want experts handling issues in their field?


WayyyCleverer t1_ixmu52d wrote

Haha I knew it!

OP don’t listen to this guy!


BobLoblaw420 t1_ixmyvvi wrote

Yeah listen to the basement dwelling programmer over someone who knows what they are talking about.

Next time you need surgery go ask a pilot

I’ll mKe this easy for you. The buyers agent could say hey let’s find another property and still get paid since the OP says they’ve been happy with their agent.

The selling agent wouldn’t have a problem selling the house in this market so delaying for 7 months benefits neither of them and neither gets any additional pay in this scenario.

So again. You’re premise makes no sense and your knee jerk snark is unwarranted.


WayyyCleverer t1_ixn0e1b wrote

Basement dwelling programmers are some of the people buying real estate in hot markets and paying your salary. Even if I was one, I’d still be able to tell that there are two realtors here abusing their relationship with and best interests of the buyer.

You’re clueless and have demonstrated no recognition of the problem here. I feel bad for anyone foolish enough to do business with you.


BobLoblaw420 t1_ixn5dtu wrote

Ok. Explain how they are abusing the system here and I’ll admit you are correct.

I bought a computer once. Does that make me more of a computer expertise than you?


[deleted] t1_ixo88yn wrote



WayyyCleverer t1_ixogbjn wrote

Eventually paid, sure…eventually. But not without running the risk of getting a lower offer than OP and also having to invest the time and energy into selling the house again but in the off season. They also risk moving the buy side fees to a another real estate company if they have to go with a different buyer.