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aoc_desantis_2024 t1_ixd9c3d wrote

About 5 cyclists die in DC every year. That is tragic. But the same people so concerned about that seem to not care at all that homicides have nearly tripled to 200 per year. But you know 5 dead rich white folks matter a lot more than 200 people of color.


SgtPeppy t1_ixdlike wrote

> But the same people so concerned about that seem to not care at all that homicides have nearly tripled to 200 per year

Literally how the fuck do you know? Most people in DC are very concerned about this - why wouldn't cyclists be? You know it's possible to care about more than one thing at a time?

It's also a complex, multifaceted issue - crime is rising everywhere and despite what politicians and most people will tell you, the a lot of the mechanisms behind it are poorly understood (or we just lack the political will to address it, as with gun control)

It's a complete apples and oranges comparison. You're looking for reasons to be outraged at cyclists. It's pathetic.


aoc_desantis_2024 t1_ixdm5yw wrote

OK what are the ideas to lower gun violence then?


SgtPeppy t1_ixdmm3j wrote

Why should I entertain you attempting to pivot the conversation? Don't change the subject because you're losing.


ottereatingpopsicles t1_ixdm7ti wrote

I mean I think people do care about homicide deaths as much or more than biking deaths, but the policies to keep bikers alive (build protected bike lanes, require side guards on trucks so bikers and pedestrians get pushed out of the way, actual criminal consequences for truck drivers that kill people) are much clearer than how to decrease gun violence. Violence prevention is a much trickier issue to address while we already know how to protect bikers and pedestrians more effectively. Drivers just don’t like to drive a safe speed and be forced to share the road with other users or lose the taxpayer-sponsored parking spaces


CatoTheDumber t1_ixewkc6 wrote

This dude here trying to argue by starting a completely different conversation.


distraughtdrunk t1_ixdc7fn wrote

ngl, i wonder how many injuries/deaths are caused by aggressive cycling or the cyclists breaking the law.

ofc, this doesn't count the drivers who are weirdly aggressive too, but it seems all too easy to lay all the blame on big bad drivers without examing what cyclists are doing as well (such as blowing through stop lights, texting/cycling, swerving into traffic unexpectedly).

edit: when i say injuries/ deaths are caused by aggressive cycling, i mean a cyclist places themselves (unintentionally or otherwise) in a position where they get hurt/killed.


ertri t1_ixdefef wrote

Usually 1-3 people die, nationally, after being hit by a bike each year. That's obviously not 0, but... not bad.

Having been hit by people on bikes a few times - I'll take my chances with a 20ish lbs metal frame where the rider is likely to be worse off than whatever they hit v. a 4000 lbs tank


aoc_desantis_2024 t1_ixdkqiq wrote

The problem is rarely that a bike is hitting someone and killing them. Its that they drive illegally and cause cars to swerve, or pedestrians to jump out of the way (sometimes into something else), etc....

There is ZERO enforcement of bike laws. You can ride through U St drunk as a skunk through red lights and the police will do nothing. In fact I see it all the time.


ertri t1_ixfmnqk wrote

Again, the consequences of biking dangerously are much lower!

I literally do not care about cars being inconvenienced. They can slow down and stay back, I truly do not care.

Pedestrians, yeah, that should be enforced. I'll start with MPD doing literally anything to enforce any traffic laws in general, bikes can be first I don't care.


distraughtdrunk t1_ixdfxek wrote

i'm not saying you're wrong, but that doesn't actually speak to the question i asked.

edit: i reread my post and thought it sounded ambiguous so i edited it