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9throwawayDERP t1_ixdfbow wrote

it is worse than that. she was biking home from her kids' school. she was wearing a helmet and was in a bike lane.


[deleted] t1_ixdketv wrote



turnageb1138 t1_ixdl0ro wrote

  1. People of color ride bikes. I see it in my neighborhood every day.
  2. Sorry, no one told me we can only work on one thing at the time. I had previously been led to believe that if any one policy, law, or other change didn't solve all societal ills then it wasn't worth doing.

9throwawayDERP t1_ixdlvt3 wrote

these are transportation advocates, and yes they did organize events and vigils for those of color that were killed by bad drivers.

next you'll ask for people who run food banks to spend their time ending gun violence.


Some_Donkey_6382 t1_ixdt52b wrote

Do these people have to advocate for a policy change of your choosing before you will respect them?