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oxtailplanning t1_iybfx7a wrote

The cameras are all reviewed by a real person. You also admitted you didn't stop so....

In this city we've all been nearly hit, injured, maimed, and/or killed by drivers that refuse to follow the basic laws. You'll find little sympathy for stop light cameras here. You might get some pity points from Nextdoor though.


LattaCooties t1_iybh0wj wrote

I have actually been hit by a car on my bike and was sent flying, twice.

I did not refuse to follow basic laws. That is simply not true. If you are scared for your life, are you still going to follow the law??

I'm absolutely not trying to get sympathy! I'm sincerely trying to understand if anyone has had luck with contesting a ticket by admitting with an explanation.
Additionally, I am unfortunately not surprised by the responses here. I've noticed that a lot of people on this sub love to tell other people to pay tickets when they probably can try to contest it.
