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violet-shift t1_iy1epp4 wrote

> which I think is drying our hair and skin excessively

I was in a different city with quite soft water for Thanksgiving, and holy shit did my hair and skin feel better while I was there. It's got me looking for ways to deal with this.

I've seen a lot of folk on reddit mention something called a water stick that you install into your shower for softening, but I'm kind of unclear if that would actually help with DC's water or not.

(I get the impression a whole house system is generally better, but since I currently rent an apt that isn't an option -- but something that just sits attached to the shower line might be.)


ProvenceNatural65 t1_iy1hvwc wrote

Yeah the PH of DC’s water is supposedly really high and wreaks havoc on your hair and skin :/