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aallzz t1_ixmqwjk wrote

What's more shocking to me is that people don't know how to merge onto the highway and just assume people will let them onto the road because they really really want to be there.


Leppicu t1_ixmrp54 wrote

I've gotten over before only to have the people I let in not let me back over to the lane when I needed to exit. Due to this, I've stopped getting over. They can figure out how to merge


Adrenaline_Junkie_ t1_ixnes0j wrote

Yup, being polite bites you in the ass. I never forget when I had to step off the metro to let people on (pre covid so train was pcked) and the people never let me back in.


129za t1_ixq3i8t wrote

Great. So driving in DC is a race to the bottom.

Your actions make DC a worse place to drive.


vautwaco t1_ixmqvt7 wrote

Maybe because theyre getting off at the next exit. Or cause they feel safer keeping it under 60 and want to be courteous to those who like to go faster.


indigoreality t1_ixmr3pw wrote

Because I have to get off at the next exit.


ChessieChesapeake t1_ixmvg1b wrote

Either because I need to get off at the next exit, am driving slower than traffic to my left, or because I’m towing something that won’t allow me to make abrupt lane changes. As the one merging, the yield is on you, but as long as you’re signaling your intent, I will maintain speed and give you room to slide in. Anyone who closes the gap on someone trying to merge is just an asshole.


Admirable_Present_66 t1_ixmr2cz wrote

Because we like the lane we are in, that’s why we are in it? 🤣


ploosty t1_ixmsmd7 wrote

If drivers would get up to speed BEFORE merging then this should not be a problem- slowing down moving traffic to accommodate a pokey merger has gotta be way more dangerous than just maintaining a constant/predictable speed🙄


GauntletofThonos t1_ixn8h1j wrote

Right. Goes both ways some drivers actually speed up when someone is trying to merge. Just maintain your speed.


CI012 t1_ixmutvx wrote

Because that’s your problem not theirs.


sl8rfan2 t1_ixmwvym wrote

remember that the next time someone doesn't let you yield.


EastoftheCap t1_ixmvgc3 wrote

People don’t get out of the way for fire trucks and ambulances. It’s every person for themselves out there.


papanurgle098 t1_ixoxsa5 wrote

That's not how it works..the incoming merger should gage the speed they need to go, fast or slower, and merge. The car who's already there just needs to maintain and be cognizant.


Kybarr9 t1_ixmqo3d wrote

It’s an east coast thing. Get the fuck over!!


GalacticHorizons t1_ixmsre5 wrote

If the lane next to me is empty, i won't get over if I don't see blinkers on. Driving on the side of your lane is not a signal or a hint.


ogpokemontrainer t1_ixmvuzt wrote

The DMV has the worst drivers. There's no rhyme or reason.


HappySewist1 t1_ixpv8co wrote

I think it’s because we have so many people from other locales. Not that anyone is wrong or rude per se, but we all have different local norms. For example when I drive in New England I am reasonably confident that drivers will move and cut over. It’s what everyone does, so you know what to expect. In the DC area we have embassies, politicos from all over the US, government employees from all over the US etc. So many different styles of driving you can’t anticipate their moves.


Malnurtured_Snay t1_ixn7qym wrote

In some cases, the on and off merge are the same damn lane!


MarkY3K t1_ixmq8ux wrote

I do. But yeah, many don’t cause, entitled driver culture.


Susurrus03 t1_ixoftq1 wrote

They don't even stop for pedestrians in crosswalks or stay out of the bikelane here.


gluconeogenesis_EVGL t1_ixow0km wrote

They're busy reading the newspaper, texting and applying makeup


classiccatch84 t1_ixmx73p wrote

Why do people not give each other a wave after being let in? This drives me crazy. We live in a society!


celj1234 t1_ixmw0kw wrote

You can wait your turn


Pleaseworkdamnit t1_ixmq4t7 wrote

Because they are already looking at their phones while coming to a stop


sl8rfan2 t1_ixmx42j wrote

Selfish assholes are why everybody is trying to kill everybody else on the road in DC.

Narcissism induced rage.
