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idkman_93 t1_ixy5njl wrote

I grew up in a car-dependent SoCal suburb, but after moving to DC years ago I have been completely r/fuckcars -pilled.

I’ve almost gotten hit so many times as both a driver and a pedestrian. When I drive on the freeway, I have no clue what people are trying to do, or why.

Growing up in SoCal, you had your assholes, but it always seemed like 90 percent of people were just trying to get where they needed to go as safely as possible. In the DMV, it feels like people are ACTIVELY trying to do something you’ve never seen before on the road. People run reds on purpose, drive on the shoulder, etc. I’m in awe.


cookiemonster1020 t1_ixymd99 wrote

things are worse now in socal too. But in socal 90% of the time traffic is too slow and congested to be a threat


spince t1_ixyod5g wrote

we made similar observations when we returned to socal for the summer. Every single time someone slowed to allow us to merge or waved us in we were like holy shit it's so much better here!

a lot of cognitive dissonance because our memories were that driving in socal sucked but realizing now it's because of traffic not because most of the other drivers think they're demolition derby racers


dayinnight t1_ixz7012 wrote

I remember when I first got to San Diego, my car stalled at a stop light. Instead of honking, the cars behind me just drove around me. I was stunned at the lack of honking and angry swear words as drivers passed. Another time, I stopped because there was an injured dog in the road. As I got out to go rescue the little guy, other drivers just...stopped and waited. Whaaaat...


idkman_93 t1_iy002ph wrote

That’s that patented SoCal chill for ya


kirkl3s t1_ixzjthl wrote

I honestly think there's some cultural signaling around behaving like a piece of shit. It's a way for idiots to express their masculinity, independence and disregard for societal norms.


Cantonloupe t1_iy013h2 wrote

> It's a way for idiots to express their masculinity

2/3 entitled morons who nearly ran me over last week were women


dayinnight t1_ixz6ab4 wrote

I felt like SoCal drivers were bad because they weren't paying attention--too sun-baked or weed baked. Kind of like the way pedestrians would wander into the street without looking. I especially enjoyed it when parents would push their small children into the street in front of approaching cars. That's how I learned to drive super defensively. But yeah, ppl here seem to drive with homocidal intent.


sagarnola89 t1_ixzyitl wrote

That's kind of an unfair comparison. Car dependent areas are safer for pedestrians because there are no pedestrians. But I do agree that in the U.S. in general, not just in the DMV, drivers are entitled assholes. It's cause we have subsidized them for far too long and signaled that they, not pedestrians or cyclists, are what matters. And the second I say that I get accused of being elitist and anti-car. We can't even get a bike lane on Conn Ave without entitled drivers complaining.


idkman_93 t1_iy00cbk wrote

You’re right. I guess I should clarify SoCal feels safer as a fellow driver (because… no one walks).


neonKow t1_iy3epd7 wrote

I've driven in almost every big city up and down both coasts, and I agree that DC drivers are doing some wild things. It's not just about being a pedestrian. There are way more people here than even NYC that just don't give a shit about being hit or hitting another car.


[deleted] t1_ixz5be0 wrote



spince t1_ixzq4q2 wrote

Bro you think that doesn't happen here or something?

The DMV version is making a right from the left turn lane across three lanes at the light


88leo t1_iy0q8el wrote

I call it swoop-dee-dooop its either a double or triple depending on how many cluster-fuckers are congregating at the exit.