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13Fdc t1_ixywd5n wrote

This may not apply to OP if I misunderstood but I will say as a driver, pedestrians should not keep walking (or playing crosswalk chicken, in OPs case?) simply because they have right of way and want to force the car into the correct behavior. The number of times I approach crosswalks, and pedestrians walk through without looking both ways simply because they expect right of way to be honored is crazy. Even people pushing strollers for god’s sake. It isn’t going to matter to your family that you were in the right, it’s only going to matter that you’re dead because some driver was on their phone (which most, terrifyingly, are).

I also am always seeing people walk/run into crosswalks without stopping, having given zero indication they intended to cross. Some of those people are going to be hit someday. Pedestrians have right of way (assuming there isn’t a light system there) but it doesn’t negate your responsibility to be situationally aware. Don’t expect cars to do the right thing, and be prepared to the more responsible person. Hate to see people get hurt out there.


the_forrest_fire t1_ixyycwk wrote

I’m situationally aware when I cross, and I have had cars accelerate through the cross walk at unreasonable speeds when they see me. Yes, some people are oblivious or bold, but don’t make this the pedestrians’ fault. This is an issue with aggressive, entitled and dangerous drivers. Most people I see are careful when they cross, and I walk this city everyday.