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slicknilla t1_iyds8hp wrote

>What resources?

In this context, the resources I'm referring to is money. Spending any money to solve the issue you are complaining about would be wasteful given all of the other, more serious issues.

>How does ANY of this take away from “addressing the issues of the metro?”

You can only spend the money once, so spending it on something minor would potentially take away money that could be spent on a more serious issue.

>I don’t know how to inspect electrical wiring on rail cars. I don’t know how to fix the 7000 trains.

That's understandable. I don't think the guys they hired know either.


stos313 OP t1_iydvx5t wrote

I don’t think what I’m asking for costs any money. Like maybe (not you per se) not downvote everything I say on the topic so more people can be reminded to be more considerate- as well as to do everything we were doing before.

I noticed that in the trains I have been in recently there are NO ads at all - I assume they were taken down to do the work on them?

Edit: LOL @ electrical cables hahahah


slicknilla t1_iydzdhg wrote

That's fair - they could probably just increase the volume of the announcements and increase the frequency at no cost. As far as the signage goes I've only noticed the newer signs about fare evasion enforcement.

Changing people's behavior is always difficult - some people don't know they are being inconsiderate and some just don't care, which makes the return on investment of any change very low and easy to dismiss. This is why speed bumps are needed - because the limits are ignored.

My half-assed solution: have one guy with a megaphone at every station to act as a hall monitor - basically just yell at everyone to stand to the right and not cause a ruckus.


stos313 OP t1_iye6n1q wrote

I’m just asking everyone point it out when you see it.

Edit: AND that people will get it once the campaign around it is back.