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Macrophage87 t1_ivk1qt5 wrote

I looked at both NoMa and the Warf and settled on NoMa. While there are some bad parts in cities, as one can expect it's not that dangerous. Anywhere you pick will be right on the Red line. If you like to bike, it's a great area, the major biking coorridors intersect around here: the MBT which is an off-road bike path that connects most of the NE and has a number of pubs and the like; and Q and R streets which connect you to the western side. It's also easy to get to the national mall. There's also a ton of grocery stores which the Wharf lacks.

You probably won't need a car in either place unless you're commuting somewhere that walking/biking/transit is impractical, which is rare.

As for the Wharf, I felt that it's more of a good place to say you lived than actually live. Most of the restaurants tend to be more tourist-oriented and pricey. Union Market in NoMa tends to have food that isn't as pricey but still very good.


SoonerLater85 t1_ivk2kd9 wrote

Based on what you’re looking for you can scratch Gallery Place. It’s in the middle of everything, loud esp when there are events at the arena (which is most of the time) and not a lot of newer apartments.


Strong-Roll-1223 t1_ivk2d42 wrote

I live in SW (where the wharf is) and I like the neighborhood a lot. The wharf is about a 15 min walk from L’Enfant metro which is super convenient to be close to. There’s also a free shuttle that goes from the wharf to the metro if you didn’t feel like walking. It’s nice having easy access to 395 also.

Noma has always felt a little unsafe to me.

And yes gallery place/Chinatown is loud.


Kief- t1_ivk4hsm wrote

I didn't know about the free shuttle -- thanks!


jmac78 t1_ivk6qsr wrote

There’s also the waterfront metro station next to Safeway. Waterfront and L’Enfant are about equidistant from the wharf (If we’re talking about the wharf itself and not the greater neighborhood)


walkallover1991 t1_ivk2gt6 wrote

Obviously tastes differ, but in all seriousness, none of the above.

If I had to pick one of the three, I would pick NoMa easily. I lived there for almost two years and it was fine. It isn't my favorite neighborhood in DC, but it's passable. Metro access is convenient. I've never had any problems there personally, but I did see a guy get mugged once outside my apartment building one time at night.

Personally, I hate new apartment buildings (they have so many problems and aren't as sturdy/well constructed as older buildings) and I liked that NoMa has a mix of old row houses and newer buildings.


rainydayszs t1_ivk2oqp wrote

I’m a 24 year old female and I feel super safe in noma!


giscard78 t1_ivk4u1n wrote

Noma is pretty big and it depends on which part you’d be at, some areas are great, and some are not. I’d like the wharf if I could afford it lol and I mean more than just rent, there’s no cheap eats nearby. Gallery Place is next to the stadium, has street performers, etc. it’s loud. Unless you’re a Caps season ticket holder, idk if there’s much of a reason to be there rather than another neighborhood nearby. None of these areas are gonna qualify for RPP (well, parts of Noma might but not in a new building) so if you bring a car, it will cost you hundreds of dollars to park and is honestly more of a hassle than really being useful unless you exit the city every weekend or something.


app_priori t1_ivk664r wrote

NoMa is very block by block. While it is by and large safe, it can feel sketchy in spots, especially in the areas near the public housing developments. I've heard it was way, way sketchier in the past. That said, you can save $100 to $200 a month living in NoMa, though, as the rents are typically lower there..

Wharf is cool but it's also expensive and not nearly as close to the Metro as you think it is unless you live directly by the Metro station at Waterfront. I like visiting the Wharf every now and then, but in general I could never see myself living there.

I personally live in Gallery Place/Chinatown and love it here. Sure the apartment buildings in the are older but the area is far more convenient to transit. If you take Amtrak often, you will surely appreciate the proximity to Union Station. I recommend Gallery Place/Chinatown out of the three for sure.

I am personally not bothered by the noise in Chinatown... If noise is a concern, NoMa is a better bet.


chumbawumba_bruh t1_ivk6g8q wrote

I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone would want to live in the suburban hellscape occupied the most obnoxious rich dbags that is the wharf


firewarner t1_ivk8ybp wrote

People post the weirdest things on this website lol. I've lived in DC for 9 years and SW for 7 of them, been all over the city, and love Southwest. It's a beautiful, leafy oasis that's close to many amenities and many of the biggest attractions in the city.


ASAPSocky t1_ivk6jv5 wrote

L'enfant connects you to almost every line on the metro, what are you on about?


Kief- t1_ivk88u3 wrote

I think I'm just being picky about the proximity to the metro. ~15 minute walk seems inconvenient for me but I suppose it's not too bad.


WaterBubbly t1_ivkao12 wrote

I'd pick noma over either of those areas. Wharf is just overpriced tourist bars and restaurants with no true DC culture or vibe. Committing to foggy bottom from the waterfront/wharf is super easy via metro.

You should check out the Mount Vernon Square area (lower Shaw).


coffeenick t1_ivk5t0r wrote

NoMa, but the other two are terrible options IMO.


WuPacalypse t1_ivk4mbd wrote

Noma safety wise is sort of up and down. Look at the Trulia app and it’ll show you recent specific crimes near each street. The wharf is cool but a bit notorious for its inaccessibility. Chinatown is busy so if you’re cool with that then you’ll have a good time. Be aware though it gets congested when the wizards or capitals are playing.