Submitted by -Pitter_Patter t3_zy548y in washingtondc

We are looking to add a few people to our poker group in Navy Yard.

Right now we host games in our apt. building’s roof top lounge.

Any experience level is welcome. We currently range from 23f with zero experience to 40m with a good amount of experience. Our group has dwindled down to four due to people moving out of the area.

It’s mostly a socially focused game, with smaller pots (most winning hands are a few bucks, the big loser of the night is usually down $20.)

We like to play a couple times a month, and games can be kinda short notice because we have people who work on call.

Ideally you’d be local to Navy Yard and available to pop over for a game with a night or two of notice.

Update: Getting more responses than we expected. I’m going to let this sit for a day or two to see how many more people are interested and give everyone a response at once. Might create a discord or something…



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raghavr_7 t1_j23vb95 wrote

I’m in. I live in navy yard


-Pitter_Patter OP t1_j24vo0l wrote

Getting more responses than we expected. I’m going to let this sit for a day or two to see how many more people are interested and give everyone a response at once.


Vortex2121 t1_j23uy8g wrote

What type of poker? 5 card or texas hold'em? Either way I'd be interested. While not in Navy Yard it's a quick metro ride away.


gerd50501 t1_j24893d wrote

so if i come, should I bring a bag of coins?


-Pitter_Patter OP t1_j24ecuh wrote

We use poker chips, and payment apps. (Someone acts as a bank and pays out winnings.)


scratchnsniff t1_j24tz9e wrote

Deal me in, 38m with light experience. I can also host at our indoor rooftop setup near 14th and Florida


fleurpedl t1_j2758ms wrote

I’m interested! I’ve played a few times recently through another poker league I found on Reddit prior to moving here so I’m ready to find a local group


not_a_squirrel2 t1_j27c2x2 wrote

Interested- I played a little in college for fun and I want to get better! I'm close by in Southwest.


topher180 t1_j24beff wrote

I’d be interested. I live in Staton Park. I will DM my info.


left-of-left t1_j24mpyf wrote

Definitely would be interested


tapptowin t1_j24ndui wrote

Interested live in the navy yard, just moved back to DC


AmAttorneyPleaseHire t1_j24rkjk wrote

Shit! I moved out of navy yard a few months ago. Would have loved to join. I’m currently in Tyson’s - I can drive in if you need people.


bohogreenery t1_j24vr4j wrote

I’m in if you still need one!


FormerCollegeDJ t1_j24zqxq wrote

I would give consideration if the games are on Tuesday or Wednesday nights between say 7 PM and 9 PM. (I work in the area and am in the office those two days of the week.)

Mind you, I have 10 years of age on the oldest person in the current group.


Dusty-NoMore t1_j2537s1 wrote

I’m interested! I live in Capitol Hill and free most days of the week after work.


BPCGuy1845 t1_j254738 wrote

I’d be interested. Live in Navy Yard.


herroEveryone t1_j254lsx wrote

Yes plz!!

Edit: if it helps, I vouch myself to be a 🐠


foxy-coxy t1_j257fy4 wrote

I would love to join. I played a lot in college but haven't played much since then.


way2gimpy t1_j25lh0l wrote

I'm literally packing my stuff and moving away out of Navy Yard. I'll still be in DC (Union Market) but would be interested if you have room.


probabalyadog t1_j25u3lx wrote

I’m interested. Have some poker experience


WookOnlyFansLouielou t1_j262oo6 wrote

I haven't been to the casino in a few years, this would be great to get back into the rhythm of things would be down.


dirtypeasant90 t1_j263xg4 wrote

I’m a 32M, played a lot of house poker but never anything serious. Would love to join! I’m right near the ballpark :)


httr8 t1_j26awzh wrote



solplots t1_j274mc8 wrote

Definitely interested


aimlengineer t1_j2762l8 wrote

Interested and will be in DC in a couple of works for travel!


santodaveed t1_j27h96y wrote

Im interested! Did a lot of poker during COVID and it was a lot of fun but unfortunately it stopped cause everyone had to go back to work 😕