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UFOInTomahawkCounty t1_j1tzq4l wrote

My car broke down on Saturday morning on the way to buy some last minute Christmas gifts. It took my insurance company roadside assistance 48 hours to find a tow truck so my car didn’t get towed until yesterday.

I was supposed to drive back to DC yesterday. Now my car has been in the shop for a day and they never even ran a diagnostic yesterday.

So my trip has been extended a day after starting 2 days early due to my grandmother dying. It’s been a long 2 weeks. And I gotta work this week.


KerPop42 t1_j1u78vq wrote

Well apparently one of our pipes burst while most of us are traveling.


strangechicken t1_j1u98or wrote

Old Ben Franklin was dead on about fish and visitors


emckenn2 t1_j1uj0tb wrote

Fairly certain I have Covid for the 3rd time…yayyy ☹️😢


blissfully_chilling t1_j1unugo wrote

Had another package stolen. 2 in the last two weeks. This was a gift to the GF which is beyond frustrating. First one was a gift to me from my parents and luckily that was sorted out real quick but still shit sucks.


Baloncesto t1_j1upmvq wrote

I've been waking up at 4am the last few days for no reason. Then it takes me two hours to get back to sleep, then I wake up late. Ugh!


joebobjoebobjoebob12 t1_j1uwh67 wrote

My relatives' dog, who I've known for years, freaked out when I walked in the door and attacked me. Now I've got quite a few bites on my legs and arms.

Thankfully one of my family members is a surgeon and he stitched me up so I didn't have to pay an out-of-network urgent care bill.


lmboyer04 t1_j1uyrpe wrote

When a single person takes up the whole sidewalk and doesn’t move over


beetlejuiiicex3 t1_j1wi9nq wrote

I just got a new job in Congress Heights that I'm totally over the moon about but people can't seem to stop telling me about how terrible the neighborhood/SE generally is; I mean someone's first response to hearing about my job was to tell me about how a friend of theirs got mugged in Congress Heights. I don't even start until July and I'm already feeling territorial over it!


keyjan t1_j1x90q1 wrote

They should maybe take him to the vet; something may be going on with his health. One of the places where I used to ride, one of the instructors had a big goofy black lab who loved everybody—until he was running around the back deck, slipped and ran head first into a retaining wall. Immediate personality change towards non-family: growling, snapping, hackles up, snarling, the whole shebang. I don’t think he ever bit anyone, but he damn sure threatened for several months. I figure he concussed himself or something.


fivedah864 t1_j1xt08w wrote

My mom who is visiting told me I was disrespectful to her because I curse when she is around. She's been calling me a bitch to my face since I was a teenager. I'm in my 30s now 🙃