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Oldbayistheshit t1_j0bxq0b wrote

Awww poor baby!


cefromnova t1_j0di4js wrote

Why such harsh negativity? We count on 40 hours of pay each week just like most full-time workers.


Oldbayistheshit t1_j0didhl wrote

You “count” on. You make a lot more as a contractor. You sign up for no benefits, as a result u miss two hours. Change careers if you’re gonna complain


cefromnova t1_j0dyuid wrote

Your facts are wrong. Most of us have salaries equivalent to our government counterparts. Most of us work the jobs we do because we believe in the service we provide to our country. If government employees are allowed to get two hours off from work for free because of bad weather, as contractors we should at least be allowed to work those two hours and get paid for them. That's a fair ask and shouldn't be ridiculed by strangers who don't walk in our shoes.


Oldbayistheshit t1_j0dz1wa wrote

So get a government job?


cefromnova t1_j0e0n30 wrote

Is that a serious statement? Do you think one just asks for or applies for a government job and just gets it? 🤦

I'll attempt to school you a bit:

  1. Most of us have gone through the hiring process for government positions only to get denied for the position...Many times over...For years. Mind you, these are government positions where we would do the same exact job we have been doing as contractors for years.
  2. Many government agencies only hire from the outside at post college entry level, say a GS-10/11. If you're working at the level of a GS-13, it's very difficult financially in the DC Metro area to downgrade that far (35%+).

Please try and be more kind and empathetic to people, especially when you have no knowledge of their circumstances.


Oldbayistheshit t1_j0e0zmx wrote

You don’t have to school me. I hired a contractor yesterday


cefromnova t1_j0e1dby wrote

Okay? Your really poor attitude has shown nothing but a lack of knowledge on both how contracting works and government hiring works.


Oldbayistheshit t1_j0e1r4w wrote

Ok haha good luck never getting into the gov with that attitude


cefromnova t1_j0epgtt wrote

Excuse me? I told you my story. Not all of us get in, even after going through the process countless times. My attitude has been very forthcoming and polite whereas yours has been downright repulsive. Have a Merry Christmas knowing you've got a guaranteed paycheck 👍


Oldbayistheshit t1_j0e1vw9 wrote

Btw I was a contractor and got in the gov. Now I hire contractors


cefromnova t1_j0epq46 wrote

Whelp, glad I don't work for you with how you treat strangers over the internet who have been in your shoes. Oh how quick people like you forget.