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kirkl3s t1_j25xo6u wrote

Whole Foods in Navy Yard definitely has it


ofriendly t1_j25zslz wrote

Z & Z Za’atar is based in Rockville and their Zaatar is sold at Whole Foods.


ekkidee t1_j2619vy wrote

I've seen it in Whole Foods P Street.


Benjogias t1_j262k3n wrote

I found some at Wegman’s off of Wisconsin! It’s “New York Shuk Spice Blend” brand, and, per their app, in aisle 12A.


born_to_kvetch t1_j262mw2 wrote

Don’t know if they still do, but Shouk sells it, at least the Chinatown location does.


DCGreatDane t1_j2633k4 wrote

I got mine at Whole Foods on H st few months back.


OldTemporary1984 t1_j263pgh wrote

That Sudanese grocery store in Adams Morgan, Khartoum grocery and Halal store. It's by the vet clinic. They have a ton of Indian and middle eastern spices, sauces, lentils and grains. It's so awesome


Caroleena77 t1_j264cp8 wrote

I've bought it at larger Safeway and Giant stores, ones with large spice sections.


fivedah864 t1_j2665dd wrote

I travel to Jordan 2 times a year. If you ever need me to bring back a big bag, just DMV me. I'm partial to the Palestinian blend and the spice store I go to has at least 12 different mixtures of it


Awkward_Dragon25 t1_j266djg wrote

Seen it at Whole Foods, esp. the full size ones. You could probably just make it yourself as well.


FreemanCantJump t1_j267wmp wrote

I've bought it at Harris Teeter Navy Yard in the international section.


iindsay t1_j268bhv wrote

I’ve seen it at Trader Joe’s too.


Emotional_Bison1905 t1_j268f96 wrote

Harris Teeter in Admo definitely has it. There’s also the Sudanese market Khartoum in the same neighborhood.


Anwung t1_j269xic wrote

Shemali's on Connecticut Ave or New Mexico Ave has them (Lebanese blend)


clickclackrackem t1_j26f0fs wrote

Gotten it at Whole Foods on P but I always have a hard time finding it among the spices


Remarkable-Escape267 t1_j26f4mv wrote

For most spices/herbs (and fresh produce as well) I would definitely check out one of the many ethnic markets instead of any of the larger chains. Prices are cheaper, selection is broader, and stock turnover is higher so products are often fresher. H Mart (Merrifield) and Good Fortune (Falls Church) are two of my favorites.


B4rkingFr0g t1_j26fidj wrote

  • Yes Organic (bulk spices at each location vary);
  • the Spice Suite (Takoma),
  • Khartoum Halal Bakkal (Adams Morgan) (lots of imports here!!)

wowihaveanopinion t1_j26fom4 wrote

find a halal market - you’ll pay tons less and not be supporting AmazonWholeFoodles


ehtooh t1_j26gtji wrote

Take this person up on their zaatar! That’s a good place to get and the wild thyme zaatar is the best! I think Yellow also sells it? Not sure if they still do but I think at one point they did. If you have a car hit up the Mediterranean Bakery in Alexandria.


leafonawall t1_j26h7gg wrote

Odd Provisions in Columbia Heights has good ones


Soft-Tangelo-6884 t1_j26hddu wrote

Whole Foods, Yes Organic, Streets, Tea & Spice Exchange in Old Town, and possibly Souk in Capitol Hill (on Barracks Row) have it.


titansdc12 t1_j26iwls wrote

I’ve bought it at the Noma Trader Joe’s so it might depend on which store you’re at


veloharris t1_j26k6q8 wrote

Z&Z, yellow cafe also sells their Za'atar.


embracethepale t1_j26rw4u wrote

Tatte bakeries should have some in their market section. There are 5-6 throughout the DMV.


the5nowman t1_j26rykh wrote

Shouk had it pre-COVID in big containers. Unsure if they still do.


nanisi t1_j26sheh wrote

I get mine from Fresh Med in Cleveland park


SomeLikeItRaw t1_j26u6p1 wrote

Look wherever there are bulk spices on sale. I have zatar from yes organics bulk spices section. Prob best spot in DC for this, or Mom's. Caribbean Crescent would've been but they moved to MD.

All prepackaged spices in bottles are criminally expensive, and I've not seen zaatar in the mini plastic bags.


mkwise13 t1_j26vmys wrote

If you make it to Alexandria, Spice & Tea Exchange usually has it.


Mishkan t1_j26z8mr wrote

It's not hard to make.. sumac, thyme, toasted sesame seeds


MarinaPinotLover t1_j26zj8b wrote

Za'atar and Canned/Minced Garlic are the two things that are horribly misplaced/hidden at my Giant. Giant (at least some stores) does carry it.


merpderp33 t1_j272chh wrote

Call your mother P st location also was selling it (about a month or so ago I remember seeing it)


tregador256 t1_j275edz wrote

There’s a Turkish cafe on Wisconsin Ave in Georgetown and the second floor is a Turkish and Arab (levent) food market. They’ve got all the good stuff, Janti Cafe


MyKidsArentOnReddit t1_j277rsk wrote

It's in Rockville, but Moti's market carries a lot of Israeli products including zatar and several other middle eastern spice blends. They also have Hawaj if you're into that. If you're not into that, I recommend you try it out because it's a-m-a-z-i-n-g.


Yazdog t1_j27as4n wrote

Khartoum Halal Bakkal in adams morgan has it imported from across the middle east


1000111010142 t1_j27cbwo wrote

Odd provisions in Columbus heights, really great selection of other things too


PhyllisHymen t1_j28jcjb wrote

Nido Wine Shop & Market, Each Peach & Odd Provisions all carry it and are woman owned small businesses!


turtyurt t1_j28tu5z wrote

I’m looking at za’atar from Trader Joe’s in my cabinet right now. I think it might’ve just been out of stock when you went


xhoisan t1_j28zgql wrote

Call Your Mother on P street sells a bottle


violet-shift t1_j299934 wrote

I have some I bought at a Safeway in the last ~year or so? It's not the normal size of a spice jar -- it's a short one, and was located on a shelf that only had other small spice jars.

It's one of the standard brands they carry (Morton & Basset)


starkingremnant t1_j29k7x3 wrote

Whole Foods, Streets, Trader Joe's, Yes! Organic ... I think I've seen it at CVS even. I've never not been able to find it. But I don't go to Safeway or Giant very often.


campbeer t1_j29krvl wrote

Try Z and Z brothers. Sometimes whole foods carry them, since they are local.


christinasays t1_j2aj71w wrote

I (shockingly) got some at the Safeway on 5th and L.


rubysubi t1_j2al00n wrote

Second the rec for Z + Z, another great local company with a lovely za’atar is Shafa. They have a physical store in Maryland but also have an online store.