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PrestigiousEbb4608 t1_j0brbzq wrote

What about anything I said would make you assume I think suburban lifestyle doesn’t harm the environment?


the_bagel_warmonger t1_j0bsdha wrote

Your desperation to shift the discussion away from a real achievable goal (we should densify and increase transit to reduce emissions) to an absurd one (transit doesn't matter because of wealth so we should all just yell at the rich and not change our lifestyles)


PrestigiousEbb4608 t1_j0bsve8 wrote

From the beginning, you have missed my point. I never said transit doesn’t lower emissions. My main point, is that transit is a very small part of people’s overall emissions. So no it is not “the presence of transit” that predicts low emissions. Moreso it’s “the lack of wealth that predicts low emissions.” Irregardless of how they transport themselves

You’re getting emotional, and not understanding anything I’m saying.


the_bagel_warmonger t1_j0bttpy wrote

Bro you are such a dense donut. For the 10th time, your assumption that this is only a wealth effect can be immediately refuted by the many walkable wealthy areas served by transit where emissions are lower than average. The data includes emissions for goods, services, etc. These areas still have lower emissions. Transportation is a much larger source than you seem to think.


the_bagel_warmonger t1_j0bu0oe wrote

And I'm not getting emotional, I'm getting frustrated with the person repeatedly saying "no its wealth" despite the wealth of evidence to the contrary right before their eyes.