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swantonsoup t1_j11r559 wrote

I dont think the city would be better if controlled by Republicans. Maybe my issues stem from how hard it is to have a conversation with the other side around here (this thread an example?). Just the overwhelming majority and silencing of the other side has pushed me in that direction.


ColonialTransitFan95 t1_j11t2sy wrote

How are you being silenced? If you are asking for validation on beliefs that mean people aren’t treated like human beings then there is no conversion, your wrong for doing that. If you want to have a conversation on crime then present an idea that hasn’t been proven to fail.

Edit spelling


CriticalStrawberry t1_j11ud58 wrote

Who is silencing you besides yourself? You deleted your own post when you got comments that didn't validate your beliefs. A debate where both sides agree is petty boring and unhelpful.


swantonsoup t1_j26bouh wrote

Yeah, there just isnt a point. This area is so narrow minded, its frustrating. There's no diversity, everyone believes the same stuff. There's no "I dont think I agree with you but why do you feel that?"

I move here being center-left and now I feel like I'm center-right and look how this sub responds.

Its just not worth arguing.


magnoliabluebonnet t1_j11v5m7 wrote

I mean what conversation is there even to be had at this point? It seems like every talking point has been exhausted. I don't personally have all the answers, I don't know what the best thing to do is. I think we can certainly do better than the status quo but I'm particularly unconvinced that we can incarcerate our way into less crime. Ultimately from my perspective as someone who has been a victim of crime, I don't want their lives ruined over it but I also don't want them to do it or any other crimes again and I don't know what the solution is, but I don't think locking them up for the next 20 years solves the issue either.