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PresidentHarambe1 t1_j123xp3 wrote

We all know that MPD stats are BS.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j1247va wrote

The article you shared from earlier in 2022 is literally based on MPD stats. So they're BS when you don't like them but they're a sure thing when you do? Where would you like to pull crime stats from? Your ass?

If you want to argue that it feels like crime is up then I might agree with you. But based on the stats, it's down.


PresidentHarambe1 t1_j124yf9 wrote

How many times did police not show up to take a report?

How many times did the AG drop or reduce charges?

How creative are they now with classifying crime? What used to be felonies but now are misdemeanors?

I don’t believe things are improving in DC. I’m amazed people do.


CriticalStrawberry t1_j125nhp wrote

I've never heard a case where they don't take a report in violent crime. I'm sure it happens, but it's rare.

The prosecution has nothing to do with crime stats. It's crimes recorded, not crimes successfully prosecuted.

It's not broken up by felonies/misdemeanors or severity of the crime. It's broken up by violent/property crimes and more specifically things like murder, assault, theft. Violent crime as a whole is down 7% YOY.

You can believe whatever you want. That doesn't make it true.


PresidentHarambe1 t1_j127ph5 wrote

Something is not right about those numbers. Must be all happing in my area. Pedestrians getting plown down like every other day by cars. So many carjacking and cars fleeing scenes. Such impunity.


NorseTikiBar t1_j12j0wv wrote

That's... not how murders work, actually.

Additionally, I always love that the crime troll poster's line always seems to be "crime rate reporting was accurate before covid, but now it's obviously wrong and under-reported because, reasons." Kind of the same logic as a certain someone and unemployment reporting...


PresidentHarambe1 t1_j13d8q9 wrote

More examples of underreporting. But never mind. Critical Strawberry and the tiki god says…

You are a troll. Stats don’t lie. Everything is fine.


NorseTikiBar t1_j14djyu wrote

Again: the conspiracy of "they only started under-reporting crime" is a stupid one.


PresidentHarambe1 t1_j14g3yr wrote

Right. I’m stupid and everything is fine.

Be safe out there!


NorseTikiBar t1_j14ihmu wrote

> Right. I’m stupid and everything is fine.

Now you're on the trolley.

Edit: replying to someone only to immediately block them is such a bitch move. Luckily, a crime post troll shitbird like you won't be someone I encounter much on this site.


PresidentHarambe1 t1_j14jm4t wrote

More info

Many changes from felonies to misdemeanors. Downgrades, even murder.

You’re entitled to your opinion. Go ahead believe everything Bowser and the stats say.

My opinion is this. You are full of shit, probably a affluent whyte WFH fuckwad living in Thomas Circle. Why are all the respondents from the likes of Foggy Bottom and Thomas Circle? Of course everything is fine there. LMAO.

Full of shit, indeed.