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NoGovernment8587 t1_j2ed7cy wrote

Porque No los Dos?


mart_nargy t1_j2edn3j wrote

Things cost money. Priority goes to helping everyone, not just the able bodied mostly white people clamoring for bike lanes.


Suburbs-suck t1_j2eeh0x wrote

This is just concern trolling.


mart_nargy t1_j2efpvn wrote

I dunno man, white people do a great job of making everything about them


Suburbs-suck t1_j2eg499 wrote

I’m not white you troll.


mart_nargy t1_j2egkvb wrote

Well I am, and let me tell you, we do a great job of it. The bike people especially.


Suburbs-suck t1_j2egwma wrote

You didn’t need to tell me that. Literally 100% of the people who concern troll about white people are white lol.

Racial minorities tend to have actual things to be concerned about.


mart_nargy t1_j2ehdu3 wrote

Deflect all you want, but there’s no denying that bike lanes are going to be used by able bodied folk, mostly white, and only during warm weather. I mean, is this really what we need to focus our spending on?


Suburbs-suck t1_j2ehzx8 wrote

Better biking infrastructure benefits everyone, including people who don’t bike and the public transportation that you purport to care about.

This is something that places like the Netherlands have figured out.

Not so fun fact: black and Hispanic cyclists have close to a 30% higher fatality rate than white cyclists, in part because of people refusing to invest in better bike infrastructure.


xanadumuse t1_j2fil6i wrote

Cars cost money. There used to be a time( and probably still are places) where African Americans biked everywhere. Why aren’t they now ? Probably infrastructure and I’m going to go out on a limb and say the stigma attached to not having a car. Having a car similar to other countries is a status symbol- kind of like eating meat. I also just think car culture will always be dominant in the states. It’s sad - biking is cheaper, better for your health and better for the environment.