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ehfwashinton t1_j0gmoco wrote

A gift card, but also a special ornament ( maybe from a service Like Shutterfly, a picture of Mrs Rayshawn doing her thing) and perhaps a Christmas card signed by as many children as possible. Treasures like Mrs Rayshawn don't do it for the money and some concrete recognition is priceless. Nobody minds shareable treats like fancy salted nuts either. Straight cash is cold.


BlakeClass t1_j0h8knk wrote

Agree with this, money comes and it goes regardless of economic status.

It sounds corny to most but some form of recognition goes a long way to people who take pride in their job, which it sounds like she does.

Get her a trophy 🏆 made if you sincerely feel she’s earned it. For all you know she’ll put it on her mantle or desk at home, something to look at, to reflect on. Those memories are hard to buy.