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NotQuiteConfident t1_j1wvx1o wrote

> At Silver Spring, it will be on the top floor of the adjacent transit center, and they plan to construct a new bridge from the purple line station to the Red line, with stairs leading down to the red line platform from above. This overpass isn’t present on the online renderings but I have had it confirmed to me multiple times by people on the purple line team that it is planned.

Wait, that's happening? Awesome! I remember way back before they started construction I provided feedback or answered a survey about the purple line (or maybe just about transfers between the purple line and Metro) and the bridge from the new mezzanine to the top of the transit center was the number one thing I wanted. Even did a really bad photoshop of the station renders and everything. Never got any responses so I doubt it was because of me or anything but still glad to see it is actually happening.

Edit: I found an old email relating to it. I was responding to a WMATA hearing about changes to Metro stations for the Purple Line in late 2017. So not before construction but right after it started.


voikya t1_j1xtvws wrote

You can still find some of the old renderings if you Google something like "Silver Spring Purple Line mezzanine". Here's an example (from WMATA): (PDF)

When the new contractor took over, it seems like a lot of old materials were yanked from the Purple Line site; I'm guessing some of it may have been the property of the old builder.

I definitely remember the old contractor talking about it; at one of the community meetings a few years back I explicitly remember them talking about the phasing of the construction on the Metro platform for the new mezzanine and entrance. However, since then I haven't really heard anything concrete. I certainly hope it's still in the plan.


WrongSplit3288 t1_j20jl0d wrote

I don’t think the bridge will go to top level of the SSTC. You would still need to go down to ground level and then go up to the top level.


NotQuiteConfident t1_j20u6nh wrote

But that's what's already in the renders, they were saying the overpass isn’t in the renders.


WrongSplit3288 t1_j20ylvy wrote

I hope you’re right. That would make transfer between the two stations easier.