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veloharris t1_j2f5ltl wrote

This is the effect of phones and two years of isolation, it's not just a DC thing. That said please don't do the hand motion thing. Just follow the rules of the intersection and proceed. When cars play traffic cop it only confuses things and it's condescending.


Mindless-Employment t1_j2f6zlm wrote

>That said please don't do the hand motion thing. Just follow the rules of the intersection and proceed. When cars play traffic cop it only confuses things and it's condescending.

This is exactly why I look away from cars when they get to the intersection right before me. I refuse to play the "Go ahead..No, YOU go ahead" game. You were there first, so just go first as you would if I was a car. Because while you're waving me ahead, someone behind you could get impatient, whip around you and hit me OR someone else could pull up at another corner of the intersection and decide they want to go first since neither of us is moving. I know people are trying to be "nice" when they wave pedestrians ahead but it just slows everyone down and creates confusion.


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2f8sve wrote

I have tried the "I go first" thing you described and had pedestrians start screaming at me.

It's not just nice it's about "I see you and your see me" which is a good practice bc even if everyone always intended to follow the rules of the road but missed someone there could be an accident.


RaTerrier t1_j2fn1ao wrote

Could you describe this situation in more detail? This sounds like a situation where you decided to do something other than what the traffic rules specify, and then received some negative verbal feedback.

I recommend that you go if the law says that you get to go, and you don’t go if the law says that you don’t get to go.


Mindless-Employment t1_j2faidi wrote

>I have tried the "I go first" thing you described and had pedestrians start screaming at me.

Yeah, there are definitely people who believe that there's some universal, blanket statute granting pedestrians the right of way everywhere, in all circumstances. I have no idea how these people don't get run over five times a year.


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2fi12d wrote

This is the exact vibe I'm describing in this post. The EXACT vibe. Like they have a magical force field and don't need to even risk assess the car.

These are the people I'm talking about. I should have been more clear. Most pedestrians we're normal. What I'm describing here is that I've noticed the incidence of the "force field" / "sovereign Pedestrians" increasing.


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2f97di wrote

I just can't believe you could think someone letting you know they see you and you're completely safe is condescending. Even if everyone always intendeds to follow the rules human beings miss things which could cause an accident. Letting others know you see them is a good practice.


veloharris t1_j2fcs4q wrote

Nod your head if you must.


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2fgjyo wrote

You're now policing how I'm polite to pedestrians? "If you must" you can't be real.

Were you watching your butler clean your monacle while you typed this?


veloharris t1_j2fqe2t wrote

If the pedestrian crossed with their hand extended to say stop as they crossed, what would your thoughts/reaction be?


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2f6xjd wrote

Ah. So you're one of them.

"Everyone study all the rules and perfectly memorize them and execute them perfectly every time so that nobody ever has to communicate." I don't think I've ever read a more DC thing in my life.

I'm not playing traffic cop, I'm letting them know I see them and plan to follow the rules.


veloharris t1_j2fcea1 wrote

You're saying I'm in a car and I'm the only one that matters. Just follow the rules and make eye contact if appropriate.


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2fgrsj wrote

I'm not saying this at all. I do this specifically because pedestrians matter.


foreverurgirl t1_j2fdyxg wrote

To answer your question - VALID and yes you are uncovering them in this post lol


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2ff8zj wrote

This is one of those moments when your jaw just drops. I'm in shock the type of people I'm describing are right here, in this thread.

Condescending? I care about making people feel safe and being safe. The other part of that person's argument is a reasonable take but condescending? I just can't believe that's a real persons take.
