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Joelpat t1_j0l5ngr wrote

Northern charm and southern efficiency.


BlakeClass t1_j0lb5b5 wrote

When the DC girl said, “I open to giving a Waldorf guy a chance now that I got my passport.”


khornish_game_hen t1_j0leb6b wrote

"you need a car if you want to escape"

Not entirely accurate, but it sure feels that way.


gabegug t1_j0leo1q wrote

"the bitch set me up"


MrSchnuffles t1_j0lk4y1 wrote

"Washington: First in war, first in peace, and last in the American League."

Out of date now. Updated it'd be last in the National League.


WatercressSuch2440 t1_j0loumd wrote

“DC, northern enough to get snow, southern enough to know what not to do with it. “


sculptural_candle t1_j0lq20q wrote

Mark Twain lived here for years as a journalist before his literary career took off. He had many thoughts, here is one that still resonates:

"Washington is no doubt the boss town in the country for a man to live in who wants to get all the pleasure he can in a given number of months. But I wasn't built that way. I don't want the earth at one gulp. All of us are always losing some pleasure that we might have if we could be everywhere at once. I lose Washington, for instance, for the privilege of saving my life. My doctor told me that if I wanted my three score and 10, I must go to bed early, keep out of social excitements, and behave myself. You can't do that in Washington. Nobody does."
- quoted in interview in St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 19, 1889


BallParkFranks t1_j0lu7dq wrote

He saves children, but not the British children…


_Amarok t1_j0m00yr wrote

The old DC radio dj Mike O’Meara once said “There’s nothing DC residents enjoy more than standing in a line.” Ten plus years later and I still think about it a lot.


giscard78 t1_j0m0w7b wrote

> got us fighting over land that ain’t ours like cowboys and Indians

> so football, yup, cowboys and Indians

> and politics, yup, cowboys and idiots


cannacanna t1_j0mne9r wrote

Chocolate city with a marshmallow center


bucksnstuff t1_j0msu5p wrote

“The city of Washington was built on a stagnant swamp some 200 years ago, and very little has changed, it stank then and it stinks now. Only today it is the fetid stench of corruption that hangs in the air” -Lisa Simpson


rwebster4293 t1_j0ndzne wrote

Washington, Washington, 6 feet tall fucking killing for fun


XComThrowawayAcct t1_j0nj5nm wrote

“Washington is a city of northern charm and southern efficiency.” —JFK


zonk68 t1_j0p2ecl wrote

Washington is like Hollywood for ugly people.


SandBoxJohn t1_j0pfsm0 wrote

During the height of the use of CB radio, it was identified as the "Watergate City".