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RutherfordBHandsome t1_j2afwdx wrote

Can't wait for Bowser 2026!


[deleted] t1_j2aney8 wrote



DrunkWoodchuck t1_j2ds7qv wrote

More police don't stop murders. Murders overwhelmingly happen between people that know each other. Unless the people who know each other also hang out at a police station, the murder is happening regardless of how many officers are sitting in their cars playing on their phones.

I'm all for more police, but the police we have aren't doing anything. Last time I called the DC police due to repeated sexual harassment on city property their response was essentially to go fuck myself. What indication is there that the additional force will make a difference?

Wanting more police, rather than effective police, is a sign that she doesn't give a shit about this issue.


[deleted] t1_j2e7dxs wrote
