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Embarrassed_Bid_4970 t1_izohye4 wrote

The problem your having is that some people are assholes. I used to work for parking enforcement. So long as a citizen wasn't overly rude or disrespectful of me I'd do my best to help them navigate the complexities of the system. Whereas I had at least one coworker who fucking delighted in torturing people for no fucking reason other than she could (she's dead now, after suffering for a few years with a stroke, so karma is a bitch).


terpdx t1_izpxnoo wrote

You're right and OP is right with their "Edit 2" comment. People ARE assholes (anyone who's worked a retail/service job can attest), and this sub IS full of sanctimonious Redditors who claim moral superiority in one sentence and toss mud at you in the next.

What actually was said by OP is unknown - they could very well have asked if they were "all set" with that sarcastic attitude and tone I'm sure you've heard before - but we're supposed to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.


treefitty350 t1_izomiva wrote

Citizen? You genuinely let parking enforcement go to your head lmfao


invalidmail2000 t1_izou76g wrote

I mean that's what they are.....


treefitty350 t1_izousat wrote

So is a parking babysitter. Calling someone a citizen is some military authority wannabe shit a LOT of the time.


invalidmail2000 t1_izp4u5h wrote

Nowhere is anyone's official title 'parking babysitter'


treefitty350 t1_izp6n9t wrote

Yeah I'll show respect to the parking lot army when they stop pretending they're powerful
