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danib62 OP t1_j1zc7k1 wrote

I find generally that customer service in DC lags behind other major metro areas in the country and Alamo is no exception.


consultantk t1_j22pomj wrote

I’ve felt this too, particularly the last 3 years. Aside from higher end restaurants, I rarely am pleased with customer service ANYWHERE in the city anymore.


dctribeguy t1_j22uyww wrote

In my experience this is more of an urban vs suburban thing. Customer service in DC is similar to what I’ve experienced in Dallas, Philly, and NYC. Service in the DC suburbs is much better than in the city and pretty comparable to what I’ve experienced in other suburban areas around the country.


dc_dobbz t1_j20310o wrote

I’ve had issues with incorrect orders or slow service but never with noise from the staff. I wonder if they’re having issues.


campbeer t1_j21os4v wrote

It's complex, it's a mixture of inequality, DC VIP, and expectations IMO. In my 20+ years here, I've seen way worse patrons than servers.
