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MickeyHokkaido t1_j22yd71 wrote

Subbs by Carl, most likely (Subbs by Carl2208 Rhode Island Ave NE, Washington, DC). But if you're expanding to the DMV, Fillipo's in Wheaton, MD is probably exactly what you're looking for.

Great sub sandwiches stem from a few things:

Excellent freshly baked bread: DC does not have this that I have seen.

Meat-slicer thin freshly sliced cuts: No one I have seen here does this.

A house pièce de ré·sis·tance - Carl's has a cool chile-vinegar-spread. Carl has also been around for at least 40 years... They cut their cold-cuts thicker than this Philly-boy would prefer, but you know what? They make the best subs [lol, subbs] in the city, so it's all good. I think even in 2022, African American businesses that are producing amazing things are getting overlooked. (I should put a /s, because obviously African American businesses are being overlooked, sorry, allies.)


rectalhorror t1_j23sl4g wrote

Second Filippos. Also there's a banh mi place across the parking lot that's worth the detour.


marjoramandmint t1_j24pg3u wrote

Thank you for this recommendation! I think that might be the place a coworker took me to 10 years ago, and I hadn't found it since!


the5nowman t1_j24rvjh wrote

The bakery on North Cap supplies the bread for a few spots in town.