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GenericReditAccount t1_j1alws9 wrote

If your landlord is threatening to evict you, contact DC OTA, don’t rely on idiots on Reddit.


lolahey OP t1_j1am0vj wrote

That’s the thing it’s was an illegal sublease so I am curious if we are covered by the law.


GenericReditAccount t1_j1ane7p wrote

Still, this isn’t something you trust Reddit to answer for you. “But xxPissPot69xx said we’re fine!” isn’t gonna get you very far in court. Tenant Advocate can actually answer it.


IcyWillow1193 t1_j1amyvw wrote

If you've paid rent, you are a tenant, and you are protected. Call OTA.


leagle89 t1_j1anavk wrote

It also sounds like the person trying to evict you acquiesced to your presence, at least for a time. It may not be enough to convert you into a tenant for legal purposes, but it's not like you were squatting without anyone's consent.


lolahey OP t1_j1arl25 wrote

There is an entire sublease.


IcyWillow1193 t1_j1b0ku2 wrote

Money offered, access granted, and money accepted = tenancy.


brodies t1_j1avruf wrote

This is all the more reason to contact OTA. The more complicated your situation is, the more you want expert advice, and they’re literally the experts and in your side.

That said, yes, you likely have rights as a tenant. That your sublessor didn’t have permission to sublease doesn’t likely change whether you have rights, and you’ll want to talk to OTA about rights with respect to your current apartment, the management company, and the sublessor. It’s not your fault they broke their own lease with the management company to sublease to you, and you probably have rights you can exercise in this situation.


TheDeHymenizer t1_j1b5fg7 wrote

>That’s the thing it’s was an illegal sublease so I am curious if we are covered by the law.

DC has some pretty crazy squatter rights and it doesn't sound like they provided a legal eviction notice signed off on by a judge so yeah contact OTA asap and don't let the landlord bully you especially if you've been paying your rent.


LegitimateFail3 t1_j1dylzr wrote

Your lease was legal with your landlord (the "master tenant"). It is the master tenant who is in breach of their lease with the property owner (if they didn't get permission to sublease). There really is no way for a subtenant to know if a master tenant has received permission to sublease. Contact OTA.

Have you been paying your rent? Hopefully something can be worked out with the management company once OTA is involved.


breview t1_j1bts6d wrote

why do you keep saying this? what was illegal about it?


CarlosDangeroso t1_j1d1fsj wrote

That's a bit harsh IMO. Other redditors already have said the same thing, so I think you are painting with too broad a brush.