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lolahey OP t1_j1asto2 wrote

What should we do in the mean time? I am out of the city for the holidays.


LessDramaLlama t1_j1bdp0h wrote

As much as ditching your celebration would suck, your holidays are going to suck more if you lose your belongings. You might be able to stop the eviction, or you might be able to prove it’s illegal and get some sort of remedy after the fact. Regardless, if you want to safeguard your stuff, it’s probably best to be back in DC.

Whatever happens, it sounds like you’re losing your housing within the next few months. Time to get a storage unit and make plans to stay somewhere until you lock down a more stable situation. Probably best to apply for new apartments before an eviction potentially hits your credit report.

But, yeah, contact OTA as soon as possible. That may help delay any action taken by the landlord.


tealccart t1_j1bfg6z wrote

OTA advises calling the police department if a landlord tries to evict you without a court order and US Marshals involvement. I put the OTA link in another comment.


LegitimateFail3 t1_j1dx2lg wrote

Contact OTA as everyone else has said - (202) 719-6560.

Also when it's cold outside they literally do not do evictions. Evictions, when legal, aren't handled by the "7th district police" but by federal marshals.