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throws_rocks_at_cars t1_izjxfr6 wrote

Lol so does this make a real estate agent a “homes trafficker” and a car salesmen an “auto trafficker” and a grocery store a “produce trafficker”?


CriticalStrawberry t1_izklfhw wrote

I mean, auto sales and real estate can be pretty shady sectors of business sometimes. So it's probably not crazy to call them that. Real estate agents and banks pretty much single-handedly caused the 2008 financial crisis. And car salesman are the reason the average US car payment is $525-700/mo while the US average salary is $64k with a median of $44k.


throws_rocks_at_cars t1_izkne1e wrote

I agree but IMO the act of “trafficking” requires either large quantities (gun stores sell individual items to individual people), or illegal transactions (gun stores have to comply with many many federal/state/county regulations), or smuggling a controlled item into a different jurisdiction, or a combination of these.

I get why it’s fun to say weapons trafficking but I don’t agree that this is what it is.


IcyWillow1193 t1_iznha0i wrote

I concede I was using a technically incorrect term, but "blood-soaked and unethical merchant of death" seemed too wordy.

As far as illegal transactions... Where do you think all the crime guns in this city come from?


IcyWillow1193 t1_izk1t7k wrote

No, because those people are not malignant parasites harming our society.


CriticalStrawberry t1_izkjqs2 wrote

>malignant parasites harming our society

Idk. I've interacted with plenty of car salesmen and real estate agents that fit that bill.

"I can roll $20k of negative equity into a new car you can't afford for a 40% APR and a 10 year term today!"