Submitted by pwn3dbyth3n00b t3_zwphv4 in washingtondc

When ever I go to hiking at Great Falls I pass some military site according to Google is called NSWC Carderock and it seems like a weapons research facility. There just one set of missiles near the high way that I see and I'm wondering why is that even there at that location. I've been on Andrew's, Bollings and Fort Belvior near the area for the airshow and officer club for parties but I don't ever recall ever seeing SAM sites there and those are actual military bases. The only thing that I could think of is it being placed there so it can shoot a plane and it would have the plane fall well before any of the government building in DC



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[deleted] t1_j1w4cpg wrote



keyjan t1_j1wd4nu wrote

So long that it actually curves with the curvature of the earth. Very cool.

I know they were looking to shut it down and maybe demolish it a few years back, but since it was still there the last time I drove by, I guess nothing came of that.


cptjeff t1_j20x4ld wrote

> Sometimes they let kayakers in.

Wait, what? And how can I get a canoe appointment?


sjpaddy t1_j1w1xxr wrote

Not today ISIS.


Gaijin_Monster t1_j1x8ql0 wrote

What you're actually seeing is a rare phenomina - consider yourself lucky! When chem trails from the government eventually fall to the flat earth's surface and then come in contact with 5G waves -- it metashifts into a government missile system, but only if it happens to be near a top secret bunker, like for example the Denver airport Illuminati headquarters. You probably found the bunker where they're hiding the fake moon landing TV set, proof the government killed JFK, and more. But you don't have to take my word for it -- Q told me so. You should get on social media and discuss it with as many people as you can.


Shot-Shame t1_j1w3hw7 wrote

Yes. I don’t anything about that specific site, but there are a ton of air defense systems in and around DC. There’s even a short range one right across the street from the White House.

My understanding is that that’s always been the case, but they ramped it up after 9/11 (in addition to heavily restricting the airspace).


hipoetry t1_j1w3woq wrote

There was one on Bolling pointed over the river when I lived there in the early 2000s. It was by the marina. They did put it in after 9/11, but I can't speak to its exact purpose.


PalpitationNo3106 t1_j1w65r4 wrote

There are several on the south eastern side of the Anacostia. The Naval research labs has a couple, the Secret Service has a couple. The ones on Hummers are mostly Avengers (basically two four packs of stinger missiles) the others are NASAMS (a Norwegian anti-aircraft missile system) for all the money the US spends on weapons, we don’t have a natively developed SAM capability, so we use the Norwegian system to defend our capital. If you look closely, you can sometimes see Avenger systems scattered around town. I know the Naval Observatory has them, there are at least two on rooftops near the White House.


granulabargreen t1_j1wfqss wrote

NASAMS use American AMRAAM missiles so a large part is natively developed, not to mention patriot and the aforementioned stingers


hearshot t1_j1wshig wrote


Co-developed with Raytheon so partially native.


paynesvilletoss t1_j1wswfd wrote

In addition to the other replies, the SM-6/RIM-174 also uses the AMRAAM seeker head and was developed domestically by Raytheon.


UniversalRedditName t1_j1whe03 wrote

Bolling’s is still there. They put up a bunch of SAM sites across DC post 9/11 on government bases and buildings. You can google “DC SAM sites” and get a whole bunch of results


jgf556 t1_j1xbjcl wrote

I remember driving past machine guns on 110 for a while there.


madmoneymcgee t1_j1wua12 wrote

It could just be decoration. Or once active but now decomissioned. Like how there are a bunch of cannons all over the place at the navy yard. Or the VFW that puts an artillery piece or old tank out front.


Joelpat t1_j1x9pwa wrote

It’s a live NASAAMS battery. Same system we just sent to Ukraine. Very capable.


DocDez t1_j1wfeli wrote

It’s the National Capital Region Santa Intercept System or “Nic-R-Sis”.


reflectionsdc t1_j1yh1xm wrote

Was it a green box pointed in the air?
There are several of those batteries in and surrounding DC. I run boat cruises for private groups and you can see one from the water. There is definitely one at JBAB. I'm sure there a longer ranged SAM battery somewhere too.
I heard a few buildings in DC also have anti air arty (think guns and cannons) on the roof of some buildings as well.
Aside from the surface to air missiles, I believe we only have a battalion of immediate armed troops to defend DC. Having grown up in South Korea, this seems to be a really low number (they have divisions of soldiers defending their capital). But then again our (US) enemies have to cross huge oceans to get here.

Anyways, most of this knowledge is from my guests who were in the military or were contractors involved in these projects so please correct me if I'm wrong. Please be cognizant of the fact that even unclassified information being shared on the internet is frowned upon if it is detailed enough..


Macrophage87 t1_j1yktju wrote

Given that any attacking country will likely go after many sites in the DC region, it's higly likely we have anti-air batteries somewhere, but it's not made public.


703unknown t1_j1whj70 wrote

They're dummy sites setup to divert incoming munitions away from more sensitive targets.


Joelpat t1_j1x95dg wrote

There is also a radar on top of the Armed Forces Retirement Home. A friend who lived in military housing on premises told me it is the same radar used for counter battery fire against mortars and artillery.


missjennielang t1_j1xjc13 wrote

Wait does DC not have something like iron dome?!


ZuluYankee1 t1_j200s3w wrote

What countries missiles would we be defending against? Iron dome is for short/medium range missiles. If we get into an ICBM situation we are all fucked anyways.


missjennielang t1_j208try wrote

I’m simply shocked I have more protection from a middle inside a Tel Aviv night club than the US capital


perfringens t1_j1x6qaj wrote

There is no active ADA battery at NSWC


lmboyer04 t1_j1wjnzs wrote

I’ve heard rumors that after 9/11 if a plane crosses the Potomac into the no fly zone that it gets shot down. Dunno if that’s true at all though lol


keyjan t1_j1wsxtt wrote

Um, no. Gets a quick escort of fighter jets saying, “—ahem” to the pilot, but someone just wandering thru the ADIZ like a dope will probably not just get immediately shot down.


inever t1_j1x02uo wrote

During storm fronts planes will be directed to fly over NW DC, about as far as Wisconsin Ave. Basically far enough to be ahead of the front.

If I'm out walking and a plane flies East of me it means I need to nope out of there as as some combination of rain/wind/lightning/hail is imminent.