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ellivretaw1 t1_j2591n9 wrote

You’re gonna be disappointed with the diner situation here fyi. I come from New England where a good diner can be found anywhere and you will not find that here sadly.

You’ll definitely have no issue finding good bars here but it might help to specify which neighborhood you’ll be in.

Are you a sports fan? There’s a pretty big presence of Chicago fans here I’ve found. If you are a fan of any specific Midwest team or college there will no doubt be a bar for that team somewhere in the city.


MartinScorsese t1_j25a10g wrote

> you will not find that here sadly.

Florida Avenue Grill disagrees.


TerribleVisual8899 t1_j25ez2w wrote

You can't run a cheap, greasy spoon diner with enough seating on DC rents. The best thing we got is Silver, and that's just an upscale Denny's. (I love Denny's)


breview t1_j25k6rg wrote

the diner in adams morgan is decent


genghis_ma t1_j25aiw5 wrote

I think that Unconventional Diner might slot into this category depending on OP’s needs. It’s got really solid food at a good price for DC (less than $30 after tax and tip lol), but it doesn’t feel particularly cozy and its a pain in the ass to get seated on weekends


ellivretaw1 t1_j25ano9 wrote

I can guarantee you that’s not what OP is looking for.

They want a local mom and pop type place where you can walk in and sit down right away and they know you and you walk out paying no more than $15. They’re not going to find that here.