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ellivretaw1 t1_j5mfrkp wrote

I’d walk like a block or two to your right when you get outside and get an Uber there. I’ve done it at that time of night with no issues but it’s easier to get away from the long line of cars and generally sketchy crowd of people.


ViperHU OP t1_j5mfthz wrote

Thanks so much!


foreverurgirl t1_j5mrlqv wrote

Yes get one from the postal museum and walk over


godaniel11 t1_j5n7wae wrote

You wanna be careful around the postal museum though. There’s a sketchy crowd of about 10 that frequent there


romanceordelusion t1_j5mzzz5 wrote

My Ubers have specifically requested I walk over to this street as the line to get an Uber from the union station entrance is loooooong and hard to get out of