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ladyorthetiger0 t1_j6kzy7e wrote

I saw a recent review on their Google page saying the same thing, and the response from the business is frustrating.


butteredfields OP t1_j6lbnbn wrote

oh yeah i crossposted on google. although it looks like someone else from my party had the same idea, independently, and wrote their own review


ladyorthetiger0 t1_j6miqco wrote

The business has now deleted their super cringey response and replaced it with a better one.

But we all saw their original response and the comment they posted here.

All I can say is...yikes.


dynospectrum7 t1_j6n0jam wrote

What was the original?


ladyorthetiger0 t1_j6n20un wrote

They basically accused OP of being racist for implying that she was racially profiled. And that the store is owned by a Navajo woman and therefore they're exempt from all accusations of racism.

ETA: I tried really hard to use a 3rd party site to link to the deleted comment, but apparently user-deleted comments can't be recovered by Unddit or Reveddit. The original reply on the Google page was also deleted and replaced.


missesT1 t1_j6l4pej wrote

I’m happy that this review is now on google too :), looks like it was cross posted