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rektide t1_j55xff3 wrote

If you'd asked me 2 years ago I also would have said 80% of the problem is those two cars specifically.

Now a days though, I'm not noticing any core group of offenders, it's gotten pretty diverse.

The worst is the worst by a lot though: there is a regular Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk who shows up every couple weeks late at night & does as much as they can to be loud. You can hear coming & going for miles, screaming out of every start-stopping. There's a bunch of Audis and some Lamborghinis that seem semi-regular offenders. There's the guy who has a vespa-style scooter & locks up the brakes & has this absurd 'omg is someone going to die' near-accident wheels screeching sound as they approach every stop sign; that is a very special breed of asshole, and one who must spend a lot a lot a lot of money on their tiny tires to keep pulling that shit, but thankfully they only show up a couple times a year (again late at night).

Pre 2020 though, holy cow yes it was so wild how these two cars specifically were a constant menace to the public peace.