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justmahl t1_j65508z wrote

Police were fired and expected to be charged with murder. Not sure there's much anger in any protest. If this were the case anytime these kind of scenarios happened, you wouldn't have had hardly any of the protests we've had in the past.


greetedworm t1_j65kng3 wrote

The anger will be about the fact that it keeps on happening, also the video is supposed to be pretty horrific and given the timing of the release people arent gonna be able to process it before protesting and they're gonna react with a lot of raw emotion.


justmahl t1_j65lo0z wrote

There's frustration that it keeps happening but what angers most is that our intelligence gets insulted and we're told no crime was committed. This is being treated as a crime and while there will be questions about how this even happened, this is the bare minimum of what we as a community want.


LilInterweb t1_j65k5bo wrote

I mean, the video is from a street camera. The police did not have their body cameras on. That’s an institutional issue that should have been fixed decades ago. The police decision the men were in was named Scorpion 🦂. Does that seem like a Community Safety based police culture? I know the acronym is stands for something about protection and safety but clearly the name was dreamed up by a room full of toxic male energy. Why were five officers called to a traffic stop? That should have been a red flag.

The police chief has seen the footage and she is trying to take the hot air out of the room but is she addressing how she could have prevented this? How her department policies could have stopped 5 men from going to a traffic stop?

You don’t just beat a man to death out of the blue, all five of these men no doubt displayed behavior prior to this incident that the department should have picked up on.

We also don’t know if this was a homophobic hate crime. And we all know police need reform ACROSS this country including right here in DC. A protest would show the DC police that we as a community will not stand for violence and murder against any one in our community.


rlezar t1_j665lx2 wrote

> The police did not have their body cameras on.

Where did you get this nonsense from? The video that's about to be released is from their body cameras.


Gilyon01 t1_j65xw93 wrote

Where the heck did you get the idea that this was related to homophobia or a hate crime? Are you just coming up with random suppositions?


LilInterweb t1_j664l89 wrote

I’m honestly wondering why five BLACK police officers attack and beat to death another black man. Normally the cops are white and racist. Something else seems to be driving this one. I fear it is either homophobia, gang, or someone knew something about the victim such as who he’s sleeping with or something. Black cops don’t just beat up black men.


mastakebob t1_j66fhk9 wrote

>Black cops don’t just beat up black men.



OctoberCaddis t1_j66vkmp wrote

Normally the cops are white and racist? I assure you, we have both cops and racists of all ethnicities in this country.


Stimpy3901 t1_j69kq6r wrote

Race is a factor in all this because for one thing Black communities are more likely to be over policed and therefor Black people have a higher chance of interacting with the police in first place. But, police as a whole are the problem, they are trained to confront issues with violence and when your only tool is a hammer all your problems start looking like nails. You can diversify police forces all day and it’s not going to change this fundamental problem. There’s a lot more than I can get into in a Reddit post, but basically we need to radically reimagine public saftey


LilInterweb t1_j6am6e9 wrote

I agree. I see police is the misc catch all for the failure of other systems. Speeding, we need speed camera, domestic abuse, we need counseling and mental health as well as better paying jobs to prevent financial stress, burglary, we need locks and alarms and insurance that is affordable.

All the things police respond to can be addressed in other ways and more effectively.

Sorry about my comment above but I had hope that diversity would at least stop THIS level of brutality from occurring. But hey, that idea seems to have triggered a lot of folks based on the number of down votes. 🤷‍♂️