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Trash_Scientist t1_j3mixdk wrote

  1. You might be close to a park and ride, or some other option for getting into the city.

  2. I’d rather sit on a train for an hour than drive for 20 and find parking. Plan better, and plan to arrive early.

  3. See 2.

  4. This happens so infrequently that it’s one of the reasons I think it’s okay to drive in the city. Remember we’re trying to get to less drivers, not 0. The idiots sitting alone in a car on Columbia Road just to move their body from one place to another are the problem.

  5. You’re a human on a planet with weather. If you’re not ready for that stay inside your A/C. Driving in rain is dangerous too. Ask the NOVA thread.

  6. Plenty of excuses.


mastakebob t1_j3mlomw wrote

shrug, you asked the question. Sorry that people have different priorities and/or comfort levels than you.


Formergr t1_j3nqvyi wrote

> I’d rather sit on a train for an hour than drive for 20 and find parking. Plan better, and plan to arrive early.

Congrats. Not everyone would rather, and MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY, some literally do not have that luxury. People work second jobs, have day care arrangements complicating things, and have employers that are shitty and will fire you after being late just twice.

Not everyone gets to just "plan to arrive early" when they are rushing from one shift to another, and/or trying to hit their kid's daycare before it closes and they start being fined for being late.