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MountainMantologist t1_j5wg3bp wrote

Maydān not making the top 25 while 2 Amy’s and Le Dip do invalidates the whole thing for me.

But obviously people love restaurants and lists and lists of restaurants so here we are


maduste t1_j5wo6yu wrote

Anywhere that has greater than 50% occupancy by sub 10-year-olds should be disqualified


MountainMantologist t1_j5wowkn wrote

Is that 2 Amy’s these days?


maduste t1_j5wpen6 wrote

We lived a block away from 2Amys for a few years, left in 2020. Pizza is pretty good (prefer DaMarco’s, il Canale, and even Paradiso) and the staff is nice. The layout is weird, and it’s infested with children. To put it above Fiola, for example, invalidates the whole list.


badbunnysadbunny t1_j5x4dbq wrote

Not only that but the acoustics are so weird that whenever a child is screaming (always) it reverberates


islesandterps t1_j5zoh2p wrote

Hot take but, the one time I went to Maydan I was very unimpressed. Not gonna say 2Amys or Le Dip need to be in the top 25 but I still just feel insane every time people mention Maydan being so good. I think I need to try again...


MountainMantologist t1_j5zpf3d wrote

Dang! When did you go?

I started going in 2019? 2018? and went three times last year - haven't had a bad meal yet. Even though with the Tawle you're getting 95% the same stuff on each visit I never get tired of it. We had a big group one night and I took home all the leftovers and feasted for like four more days. Can't get enough of it.

EDIT: I do miss the pre-pandemic days though when they'd bring out like 10-12 different dips/condiments. I could make a meal of their fresh bread dipped in different combinations of those condiments


islesandterps t1_j601ays wrote

I think it was 2019. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for it that day or didn't get the right stuff. Eventually I'll try again, though I have a looong list of restaurants I haven't tried yet too


thekingoftherodeo t1_j5wxb6b wrote

Definitely some marketing budget thrown at Washingtonian by some on that list I reckon.