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playdoh t1_j5wg3xl wrote

Rose's Luxury can't make the top 100? I haven't been since pre-Covid. What happened?


SurferNerd t1_j5wjdkj wrote

It’s still excellent! Pineapple & Pearls and Little Pearl, from the same hospitality group, both made the list, so I wonder if they didn’t want to include the third. I’m not mad. Allows another spot a chance at publicity, which Roses has enough of.


sawatdee_Krap t1_j5x7jgo wrote

I was there not terribly long ago and mostly it just hasn’t done anything new. I’m like 90% sure the menu was the same as when I was there years ago, or at least with some of the same items.


IamMe90 t1_j5x9pw8 wrote

That's fair, but the items I had there (I think around 8 years ago?) were so good, I'm not sure they need to change much up tbh lol


sawatdee_Krap t1_j5xade1 wrote

Oh for sure. But the main thing about the top 100 in DC is there are ALWAYS new places and restaurant groups coming in. Unless a restaurant is continuing to be innovative, they aren’t worth listing.

I mean that is not for everything. 2 Amy’s has been on forever and I’m not sure they ever changed haha

But for most places it’s innovation-quality-service-atmosphere-presentation

Some places just get complacent


islesandterps t1_j5zpbza wrote

I went for my first (and only) time a few months ago and it was incredible in every way. No way there's 100 better restaurants than Rose's!