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islesandterps t1_j5zoh2p wrote

Hot take but, the one time I went to Maydan I was very unimpressed. Not gonna say 2Amys or Le Dip need to be in the top 25 but I still just feel insane every time people mention Maydan being so good. I think I need to try again...


MountainMantologist t1_j5zpf3d wrote

Dang! When did you go?

I started going in 2019? 2018? and went three times last year - haven't had a bad meal yet. Even though with the Tawle you're getting 95% the same stuff on each visit I never get tired of it. We had a big group one night and I took home all the leftovers and feasted for like four more days. Can't get enough of it.

EDIT: I do miss the pre-pandemic days though when they'd bring out like 10-12 different dips/condiments. I could make a meal of their fresh bread dipped in different combinations of those condiments


islesandterps t1_j601ays wrote

I think it was 2019. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for it that day or didn't get the right stuff. Eventually I'll try again, though I have a looong list of restaurants I haven't tried yet too