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pomegranatecloud t1_j6kl5ok wrote

Safety is entirely subjective. Visit the area during the day and at night.


alizadk t1_j6khot7 wrote

That's not an area I would feel comfortable living in.


baileybabygirl t1_j6ki5w2 wrote

Thank you!


tshontikidis t1_j6l0vsk wrote

Hey neighbor! Don’t listen to them, they don’t live here. We have been here for 5 years, and another 5 just i the other side of Benning, 17th and gales. Carver Langston is a great spot, it being tucked away means you don’t get a ton of through traffic, but sort of hard to bike out of currently. H st is great for a night out but downtown is also accessible real easy via X2. You can go north south in B2. Biking is on the way up mostly south of us but 17th and Mt Olivet are due for upgrades which will get you to Union Market and Ivy Cit pretty easily. General city issues of course, be kind, say hello and keep your head up. Don’t go to shady spots at 2 in the morning to by drugs and you will be fine. Let me know if you have any questions!


alizadk t1_j6luwu7 wrote

I moved from Hill East last fall (after living there for a dozen years and just south of Gallaudet for four years before that) and was in the area a lot to go grocery shopping. That's why I said I wasn't comfortable.


tshontikidis t1_j6mol8o wrote

Yea I get Hill East is different thank Carver Langston and hard to really know from a snapshot from Aldi or Hecinger Mall. You need to live in the community to know it.


drr71-2 t1_j6lvt9b wrote

What are the "general city issues" you speak of? What will the MPD crime map show?


tshontikidis t1_j6mm6dv wrote

Take a look, what it won’t show you that it’s mostly not random acts of violence. We don’t get harassed when walking our kids to the park or riding our bikes. If you aren’t doing shady stuff with shady people it’s fine.


BrightThru2014 t1_j6krj6u wrote

What’s your background? I personally would not feel comfortably living there.


baileybabygirl t1_j6n02yj wrote

I’m from the south, particularly the suburbs, but I’ve been reading some comments on trulia and people say it’s a hit better? But I think I’m going to drive down there and take a look


BrightThru2014 t1_j6n291x wrote

I don't think you realize you would be in an area with regular shootings/murders (albeit, it's mostly beef between people who know each other)/mentally ill homeless who would harass you/regular car break-ins/car jackings. When I lived near there, my sister would refuse to walk to the grocery store without me during the day because she would feel uncomfortable/harassed/was followed.


baileybabygirl t1_j6n90br wrote

Thank you for sharing! Definitely going to keep looking elsewhere


ResponsibleSwing1 t1_j6l2v9i wrote

No do not move there. We live closer to RFK and I drive by there to get to target and it’s just not safe. Personally not worth the risk.


LyzeOfKiel t1_j6l5wev wrote

You will be fine, although there are nicer areas. Hechinger Mall and Route 1 aren't the greatest spots as far as what's going on there, so the walk-ability scores may be deceptive based on where you'll actually want to be.


I live around the area. I don't like to hang out around the corner of H/Maryland/Benning, but the neighborhoods are fine.


tasty_beverage_dew t1_j6m1xkd wrote

You'll be fine, just cover your windows in lead and don't have a car.


giscard78 t1_j6kk13x wrote

Summit Street NE in Carver-Langston or Summit Place NE in Eckington? Asking in case you just wrote Street without double checking the suffix.


baileybabygirl t1_j6kr91e wrote

Carver Langston! I’ve been reading some things from residents saying it’s relatively quiet but also some people talk about shootings and things


giscard78 t1_j6kswpu wrote

Carver Terrace, which is centered at 21st and Maryland NE (“21st n Vietnam”), has had decades long issues with violence. IIRC, it mainly feuds with Langston Terrace to the south. You could probably live there and be fine (assuming you don’t sell drugs) but maybe you’d be uncomfortable.

I think the bigger issue is that there’s really not anything around there and if you end up not feeling comfortable walking around, you’re gonna end up driving everywhere, and before getting into the car vs no car debate, it’ll just be a pain every time you want to do something. People put up with crime in other neighborhoods because they have something to offer, that area does not. The USDA closed the M Street NE entrance to the arboretum in the early 90s and hasn’t looked back (you have to go up Bladensburg to R NE to get in).

Unless you really need to be near Gallaudet, H Street, or something over there, and assuming you’re interested in the $630k house there, neighborhoods like Riggs Park, Queen’s Chapel, Michigan Park, And Lamond Riggs or even Brightwood Park are closer to things to do and honestly, probably safer. Maybe that’s just my preference, idk. Brentwood DC might also be slightly more central and offer more to do but it’s safety is probably not quite like the above mentioned neighborhoods.


Deanocracy t1_j6kxxsb wrote

The completeness of this response is lacking in my professional and reddit life.



giscard78 t1_j6l3cxj wrote

> professional life

Hire me as a GS-14, I’ll write you complete answers all day. Shit, I’ll even show you my work.

In all seriousness, if you’re interested in learning about neighborhoods, googling “ “neighborhood” (you can even add “year”) is a great way to learn about neighborhood history. Make sure to include quotes around the neighborhood name and a separate set for the year if you include that part. Obviously, there’s going to be some bias from what the Post writes but it is a decent record. The best is finding articles that link to other local sources.


Playful-Translator49 t1_j6kvaw5 wrote

I live near there but on the other side of benning from carver Langston. There are some issues from time to time but I like it over here. There’s a ton of new construction over there lots of new condos etc.


anand4 t1_j6l20hg wrote

Definitely one of the more interesting parts of town. Depends on your tolerance level. H street NE has come a long way. Summit St. Doesn't have anything nearby going for it at the minute.


No1Statistician t1_j6l7drr wrote

Nearby Benning road west of the river is the hood that has a ways to go to be on par with H St, but it's slowly getting better.


Parkershaw2 t1_j6lys9v wrote

😂😂on the come up lol


JosuetheBear t1_j6m1eob wrote

Grew up around this area. Bit rough but near the arboretum which is nice. And jimmy V’s.


NPRjunkieDC t1_j6ks68i wrote

I recommend 20008 + 20009 + 20005 +20015 + 20016
