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Hmmletmec t1_j6au5od wrote

>The Red Panda at the zoo is not a myth!

I still miss the Twitter excitement back when Rusty escaped to explore Adam's Morgan.


Yikes_Brigade t1_j6av5is wrote

PSA/the best thing my therapist has ever told me: At the Pittsburgh zoo, you can pay 200 bucks for you and a buddy to feed and hang out with a red panda. She told me this after I said my new goal was to figure out how much money I had to donate to the National Zoo to get to hold one.


Not_Cleaver t1_j6azkl5 wrote

Fake. I’ll only believe it if you’re holding today’s WaPo.


neil_va t1_j6b0tgf wrote

I call BS. I've been to the zoo like 4-5 times now and have never seen that damn panda.


Superb_Ad5471 t1_j6bsvit wrote

If you look at the bottom of their hut in the right corner of their habitat, the red pandas often stick their heads out of the “dog door” or quickly weave out and back into the building. Most times when I’m at the zoo (former WP resident so I went a lot in the last year) I see them briefly that way if they’re not sleeping. They also love the cold, so expect to see them on cold days, but not a great chance on hot ones!


[deleted] t1_j6cpyyo wrote

So recently went and saw them in their little enclosure and it was a revelation. I'm glad for this post because I was all geeking out like "you never see these guys, really!"


Macrophage87 t1_j6e4bvf wrote

I checked, and you can't touch the animals at encounters anymore in the Pittsburgh zoo. Most mammals can get COVID and don't always have effective vaccines, so distance is probably sticking around for a while.


JustHereForCookies17 t1_j6f1xfj wrote

I was going to ask, but I remembered I could Google it my damn self just as easily.

Looks like it's accredited and donations can be claimed on your taxes. I'm sure there are better metrics to go by, but those two are good enough for me.

Now if you'll excuse me - I have to go empty my bank account so I can do ALL the animal experiences!


missesT1 t1_j6fnd3m wrote

Cool, I see him (or her?) sleeping a lot in the hammock in the hut.


Joshottas t1_j6fr8go wrote

Never not seen this f'er. Always out.