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damnatio_memoriae t1_j6gsq3a wrote

blizzard of 93 was march but blizzard of 96 and 99 were both jan.

all three of shut the city down for a week.

i wasnt here for the other big ones in the 2000s but i think a couple were in feb and maybe one in jan.


rubermnkey t1_j6gxtwc wrote

we got like a solid 3 weeks off of school in 96 because it hit right when we were supposed to come back from the winter christmas/new years break. crazy shit, had to climb like a 12 foot tall banks of snow to get to the bus for a few weeks from how they cleared the roads, dug tunnels to all the neighbor kids backyards and had a big igloo for awhile. never know what the weather is going to be like around here though so fingers crossed snowmageddon 2.0 is around the corner.


jofijk t1_j6h0ozr wrote

Snowmageddon was early February 2010. I don't remember when the 2016 blizzard was but I feel like it was the last week of January at the earliest. I'm not getting my hopes up but I wouldn't necessarily be surprised if we get hit with snow sometime in the next 2 months


damnatio_memoriae t1_j6gy4d4 wrote

yeah, same. so. much. sledding.

in 99 it was exam week so all our exams just got canceled lol.


garrag t1_j6ieu2v wrote

One of the best times of my life - long treks to meet friends, sledding/snowboarding neighborhood hills, nightly parties around fire pits. I was a senior in high school so we didn’t have to make up the missed days either!!


jlboygenius t1_j6ilvdn wrote

I think it was '93 or '96 when the gov shut down. My dad was home from work for a week or two. Gov opened back up and then we got snow and he was home for another week. he was getting reallllly bored. This was pre-internet so there wasn't much to do but play nintendo and watch tv.


RG3ST21 t1_j6kl462 wrote

Yes! it was a high I'll never have again.


knuckboy t1_j6hifky wrote

Around 2003 was a President's Day one that shut things down for a few days. I had a driveway ON Columbia Pike that was hell to dig out from the snowplows.